Solar panel batteries &fridge

Hi was after some advice on my van set up currently I have 2 separate batteries with 100w solar panel to each of them 1s for crx50 fridge and other is tv &lights my question is would it be better to link the batteries and panels and connect fridge with TV & lights any advice/info would be much appreciated

Yes, connect the fridge to the TV.


As long as the battery for the van engine is not one of those then yes, go for it, you’ll get marginally more efficient use of them.

I am thinking about mounting a large solar panel on the front of my travel trailer and wonder if I would need to protect it while under travel? Many older travel trailers that had windows on the front had a cover that you would lower/lock while under travel to protect it and then raise it once parked so you could see out. My trailer does not have a window up front but I could devise a hinge with brackets and sliders that would allow me to lower and lock it in place under travel, and raise it at camp.

I’m wondering if it could take the abuse of wind, sand, occasional rock, while under way? It would be mounted up high and behind the full size truck with topper so would have a fair amount of protection from road debris. Bugs would be an issue for sure so it would require regular cleaning and maintenance. I’m concerned about how easily it might be damaged? If necessary, I could devise a cover to wrap it while under way but then I lose the charge during that time.

Any thoughts/advice?

buy or make some sort of ‘bra’ that covers the solar panels while driving

I know some RV’ers who just mounted them flat and leave them that way year 'round with no problems other than the occasional cleaning. And that’s in Northern climes with moderately less direct sunlight - should work for you as well I expect? (RV forums might be a good source of info, especially if you can find one with people using the same model trailer.)

Thank you for your reply.My solar panels are all right. Can’t wait to start the journey.

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