Some (more) judgements can not be appealed to the Supreme Court

The amendments to the Code of Criminal Procedure (刑事訴訟法) say that assault that inflicts bodily harm to another, as defined in the first paragraph of Article 277 of the Criminal Code, would not be appealable to the Supreme Court.

Furthermore, ingesting Category 1 drugs or possessing more than 20g of a Category 2 drug would also be unappealable after a second-instance judgement is issued.

With the changes, 10 types of criminal cases would not be heard by the Supreme Court, up from seven, which were larceny, embezzlement, fraud, breach of trust, extortion, receiving stolen property or an offense with a sentence of three years or less.


I added the word “more” to the title because it was already true that you can’t always appeal to the Supreme Court.