Some past observations of life gone by in Taipei

This topic has probably been posted before but I couldn

-Green NT$100 bills. Purple NT$50 bills. .10/.20 coins.

Now you have goddamned open my eyes. I thought the 100’s are red, but I must surely be wrong there. And … you saw COINS ? My oh my, what a fortunate son of a glitch you are…

coins… I don’t believe it, … real coins … :s

ICRT was never listenable

Yep, the 100s use to be green. Also, coins were .10 .20 and .50 (1/10, 1/5 and 1/2 of NT$1)

ICRT had some good djs (pre-internet time) when DJs knew the music and music scene and had something to talk about. Also, this was before micheal bolton/richard marx/air supply/learn hakka era. ICRT News team has always been excellent (up until recently when management decided to get rid of the best thing ICRT offered)

Tell me you know what Roxy IV was…or Kirby’s. Or that you had to change money at the jewelers…

Roxy IV was down one of the lanes across from Roxy Jr and had a cool 2nd hand CD shop in the basement (or was that roxy2?) also Roxy 3 was on a small street off of Kwangfu N. rd (luckily near where i use to live) WuBai use to play downstairs in a small joint next door. Lots of other pubs that have come and gone, probably too many to mention. I don’t remember Kirbys. I use to change money at the Rebar/Holiday Inn, but never very often.

AC/DC on Roosevelt Road. Umbrella repairmen. Prosperity Island Dark Beer. Underground dancehalls. Bookstores on C-h-u-n-g Shan N. Road, Sections 2 and 3.

And best?


[quote=“4nr”]Yep, the 100s use to be green. Also, coins were .10 .20 and .50 (1/10, 1/5 and 1/2 of NT$1)

ICRT had some good djs (pre-internet time) when DJs knew the music and music scene and had something to talk about. Also, this was before Michael bolton/richard marx/air supply/learn hakka era. ICRT News team has always been excellent (up until recently when management decided to get rid of the best thing ICRT offered)[/quote]

OK, maybe it was not too clear what you want to write about. What about like this

How life was X years ago (give a number for X)

and then a short essay with important or interesting facts.

A starting and a closing sentence would not be bad either.

:blush: Sorry, just doing this with my nephew here…

-People had to walk 20 miles to school and work, in the snow, with no shoes!

Uphill both ways. You young folks today! You don’t know you’re born!

All I know is it’s a thousand times better now.

What you see is what you get, BH. Sorry, i don’t have time or interest to reformat the post. It will be all but forgetten in a few weeks/months anyway. There is a [url= in the future[/url] thread that i made in the Taiwan Politics forum awhile ago if anyone is interested in reading. (Consequences of a CCP Takeover).

PS. now kids have outdoor escalators to get to school…

Don’t forget higher prices for air-conditioned buses (NT$6 for non air-con and NT$8 with aircon) punched on your bus card.

And the best shops ever, where the present National Tax Admin building is – three stories of early computers and tourist junk.

Best of all – no work permit/ARC hassles.

Don’t forget–
-Samantha K. (ICRT wasn’t listenable then or now.)
-Super cheap cigarettes (Was it $20-25 a pack?).
-Smoking on the ‘0 East’ unairconditioned bus.
-No cable TV.
-Late night porn on regular TV.
-TOPS disco across the street from Guo Yu Er Bao (my pinyin sucks).
-Castle Beer (before South Africa broke of diplomatic ties).
-Fu Xing, Zhong Xiao, and Chung Hua roads being a traffic nightmare
because of MRT construction.
-Taxis were driven by scary gangster types that were dangerous to take
-Missles flying over Taiwan.
-Barbed wire fences everywhere at the ready for any demostration.
-Grandma Nitty’s was a tiny, dank one room restaurant on Xin Hai Road.
-The Bushiban Pub.
-Vespa Scooters.
-5-year multiple entry visitor visas (Does anybody still get those?)
-The first McDonald’s and the 4 hour wait to eat there.
-The first drive thru McDonald’s and the 2 hour wait to drive thru.
-Fist fights in the legislature. (Oh… wait. No change there.)
-Being totally free. Nobody really gave a damn about foreigners except
that they could learn English.

VJ Nonie :lovestruck:

I used to be thinner.
My hair was thicker.

A few of those reminiscences made me rather nostalgic.

Posters for stripshows in the niurou mien shops.

Stripshow funerals. They probably still exist, but you don’t often see them on a float cuming down the street these days.

Now those were entertaining. Strippers at weddings were cool too.