Someone argued with me on facebook messenger and wants to sue me now

When you called him an ugly loser, was it a public conversation?

No. Private. I only said it because he said something like “Let me lick your privates”.

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Criminal Code Art. 309 makes public insult (公然侮辱人) a criminal act. The Civil Code allows compensation to be claimed for damage to one’s reputation. I don’t see how a private insult would qualify, so it looks like your accuser has no case. (If in doubt, ask a lawyer.)

I think the best option is ignoring him. He can do whatever he wants. I am waiting for it. But, I doubt he will win. I will also show the messages he sent to me.

Sometimes we try to find the best in people, we try and support them when they’re in a dark place. Then we find out the darkness’s is of their own making and they can’t be helped.

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If he’s anywhere as clueless as you are describing, it’s unlikely a lawyer would even take his case to begin with. And he’s broke so he can’t pay the lawyer that wouldn’t take his case to begin with. If he sued you, which he won’t–he’d lose and you’d get money out of him so you’ve got nothing to lose here.

I’d say the ‘block’ button is probably your best friend at this point.

The existence of this post scares me. Can you really be sued for a private conversation, other than maybe constantly calling someone after you’re told to stop or say, giving bad advice that a person acted on?

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Turns out you probably have against him for sexual harassment.


birds of a feather flock together.

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This guy says he “was forced to extend my stay in Taiwan for another 120 days+ to defend myself against the frivolous “defamation” charges.”

So, you’re continuing to smear him on another forum? Why? :idunno:

On what criteria? It would get thrown out of court with prejudice if he filed such a flimsy, frivolous suit. At least in the west.

Can he sue you and win if what you said is true? I think being a loser and being ugly can be objectively measure. Maybe have his picture shown in a public poll and see if people find him ugly. If everyone thinks he is ugly, it’s not false or really damaging to his reputation is it?

What everyone thinks is the bar for truth and factfulness now? Yikes. :eek:

Well ugly is based on what others think isn’t it? I think there is some intrinsic beauty we can all observe. But in this case, you can prove someone is ugly in this contex in terms of reputation. You didn’t damage their reputation when people looking at them thinks they’re ugly already.

No, you would simply not need to pay, unless you hired a lawyer. You could apply for legal aid as the defendant, so whether you would need to pay anything would depend on your income/assets. You could also just show up in court without a lawyer.

As I said, it looks like he has no case, because it was a private conversation.

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I really don’t know. I always thought of it as a projection. What “others think” is driven by a ham fisted media’s definition of beauty…which I also reject.

I’m not easy to get along with. :flushed:

You can always vlog your experience and post it on youtube and don’t forget to add some notes about how you love Taiwan. This will get you the public opinion for sure.

I meant he can file something to court. So, said

I don’t think he will win. Being ugly or not, I think it is a personal opinion. I don’t need to think he is handsome if everyone thinks he is. But, I said he is ugly because he deteriorates his appearance. He drinks heavily, and his teeth are so yellow almost brown. He is loud. He insists to speak with me in webcam. I only listened to him once because his friend knows me and stopped speaking to him. So, he wanted to speak about it. I felt sorry for him. When I turned my webcam, I saw a sober figure spitting everywhere while he was speaking. He was also insulting me. Argggh! That guy… I blocked him and just moved on.