In Chicago a special needs man was kidnapped, beaten and had part of his scalp cut with a knife (as well as taunted and forced to say things at knife point) and it was all live streamed on Facebook.
So is it a hate crime according to the police or it isnt? I cant figure out from those articles. Whan i was 18 i was full of hate but i didnt cut random people.
“I am glad the people who assaulted this young man were swiftly arrested. That’s how justice should work for all of us. But you and I both know that swift justice in this country primarily happens when black folk commit crimes.”
Trump gets elected, and then there’s a sudden surge of hate crimes against minorities… I would say that yes, there is a correlation, especially given that Trump based much of his campaign on xenophobia.
And if you believe that, I’ve got an election to sell you…for the bargain price of a billion dollars. There’s no money-back guarantee, but our pollsters (who are extremely reliable) tell us that there’s a 93% chance of winning!
Same logic works for BLM and hate crimes against whites. You know I started this thread as a honey pot to see which lefties would double down. Walked right into it.
same exact story (plus the coat hanger in the a…) - but with one twist:
3 white boyz and one disabled black boy.
It seems very confusing - as soon as it concern whitey, it is always: ‘‘a mistake’’, ‘‘mental illness’’ or any other excuses but when it is a black man, then we are talking about ‘‘hate crime’’, ‘‘gang stuff’’ etc…
why this double standard?