Sponsoring an artist

One of my companies is planning to bring an American artist to Taiwan to do some murals in a renovation project. I would expect the whole thing would take just a couple of weeks or maximum two months. I understand that this kind of work is often done under the table, but I would strongly prefer to do it legally.

Does anyone know what is the best way to sponsor an artist and what are the requirements for both the company and the artist?

The Foreign Talent Act that was introduced last year created a new way to apply for temporary work permits for foreign artists.

There are some regulations here: https://foreigntalentact.ndc.gov.tw/en/Content_List.aspx?n=BCC6709448438AE7

and an application form here:



Great, thanks a lot!

That doesn’t look too difficult on paper. Any idea on how easily these applications pass or get rejected?

Sadly not on my end :slight_smile: I have found the people on the contact list at Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professionals-Contact to be very helpful in the past though, and I notice there’s a few contacts there for this type of permit.

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