Staggering high school drop out rate

[quote=“Chewycorns”]The Catholic School System in Alberta is especially strong. I wonder if the StatsCan Study separated the two (Public and Catholic). I’d be willing to bet that the dropout rate for the Catholic System is significantly lower. Better teachers and a much richer school board.[/quote]One hopes. The local religious school system where I grew up was similarly endowed, but showed significantly poorer results and expelled far more students.

Just out of curiosity, could you reconcile these two statements for me? I don’t want to get you wrong.

[quote="[url=The ridiculous legacy of the Bush (II) administration - #73 by Chewycorns I don’t think some provinces would appreciate what is basically another type of National Energy Program mandated from Ottawa, particularly in these uncertain economic times. Such a program could hurt the economies of Alberta and Newfoundland (oil), and Saskatchewan (coal etc.).[/quote]

[quote=“Surly”][quote=“Jaboney”]Until those jobs are gone and these guys are 40 years old and without marketable skills or the ability to acquire such skills. Then it’s the east coast fishery all over again.
If not a national crisis, it’s certainly a regional or provincial one.[/quote]
And their social programming isn’t complete until they graduate from University, right?[/quote]
And thank you for that sunshiny incursion, Surly. Not only not giving me the benefit of the doubt… but assuming the direct opposite of my intended meaning.

Review, if you please, my opening statement:

All very consistent with my view that a gov’t of the people exists to serve those same people. Not to program, but to empower them.

So thank you very much… kiss my ass. :wink: