Stomach Parasites

if i wanna go to the doc and get tested, ya know, just in case, then where do i need to go and what do i need to request? what kind of doc, etc?

I am your humble public servant. :bow:

Any doc will do, but you’ll need to request having a stool specimen analysed for parasites.


another quick followup question:

how would you say and write it in chinese?

After the sushi worms, I don’t trust myself translating that and you shouldn’t trust me either.

You shouldn’t need Chinese, most doctors speak enough Engrishee.


[quote=“Huang Guang Chen”]I am, or at least was, a nurse and a qualified barefoot doctor. With those stunning credentials, I maintain my previous diagnosis but add a new dimension. The current respite is quite possibly because the parasite has grown to such enormous proportions it is now occluding your bowels. Any matter you may be passing is purely through its digestive system backended to use your lower passage. It’s also quite probably finding your diet insufficient to feed itself and its numerous offspring, in which case it’s eyeing your liver and other vitals. Before long, the lower offspring will start gnawing on your testicles (or ovaries, whatever the case maybe).

Don’t believe me? Check that link to Giardiasis I posted. Oh, and see a doctor.


AH YA!!! You’re scaring the shite out of me(no pun intended) But are you saying that a parasite could be growing in me where it’s breaking off in the stool because it has to make room to grow up and out into other spaces of my body?

I did get a stool test done. Will find out next week. Sorry if this TMI. But if it is tapeworms, if anyone has had them here before can you tell me some other ways, after meds, to ensure that I can fully clean out my system. thanks

[quote=“Huang Guang Chen”]:bow: Confucious say, never trust an online barefoot doctor! :laughing:

But there is one test you can do at home for tapeworms. First thing in the morning, you pour a bowl of milk, get a mirror, place it one the floor and squat over the bowl and mirror. Make sure you have an umimpeded view and while squatting, stay as still as you can. Keep an eye out for the tapeworm popping it’s head out for a drink. Try not to freak when it appears and you should be able to grab it. It could require two hands depending on how long you’ve let things slide, as it were.

HG[/quote] :roflmao: :snivel: :runaway: :runaway: Dear god, to do that and if this is true, I would have to have a sedative right after. That would scare the whole hell out of me. Can tapeworms just be flushed out with drugs? Or a good colonic after taking the drugs.

Alternatively you could open your mouth and let it come out that way. Six of one and half a dozen to another I suppose, but I know which end I’d prefer. Be a nice little tickle there for awhile. :smiley:

Yes. but it may be too vast to flush down the toilet.

Meet a tapeworm:


Thanks HG,
While waiting for your reply, I was doing some snooping around on the CDC site. Seems like I have some other symtoms that are related to other worms. I just hope that they do find what it is. I know it’s got to be one, just don’t know what.

The questions still stands— if you have had worms, can you tell me what you did to clean them out of your system? And anyone know of a good colonic place?

Seriously, I’m no fan of colonics. I had the great pleasure/displeasure of enduring a colonoscopy last year. They made a DVD of my innards, which while thoughtful, I couldn’t see the purpose, well aside from posting it on some very unsavoury websites.

The prep for the colonoscopy required drinking some awful muck that cleansed me throughly. Surprised at not hearing the katink of marbles and other detritus I’d swallowed forty years ago as they finally hit the porcelin in the many explosive evacuations, it did put paid to the ideas behind much of the great carthasis fans. That vid shows one squeaky clean rectum and beyond. No pockets of forty-year old BBQ beef and other stuff the colonic carthasis fans often claim are hidden up there…

If you really do think you got something wrong, the thing to do is see your doctor and discuss the idea of a stool sample. If you happen to stumble on some git that declares Taiwan parasite-free (except Canadian English teachers, obviously), tell him you’ve travelled in SE Asia.

No point taking medicines you don’t need. All intervention carries some measure of risk. By the way, that can be particularly unpleasant when it comes to blasting your colon with water. All mediciations obviously carry an element of risk - allergies, side-effects, etc.

Above all, relax, there really are very few parasites that do much harm.

The sushi worms was a joke . . . solly! Feeling helplessly flippant today.

As for de-worming, I remember having worm medicine as a kid. I think it;s available over the counter, but as I said, why takle it if you don’t know if you need it?

As for Giardiasis, I got rid of that with antibiotics prescribed by a doctor.

Interestingly, research suggests betel nut has some efficacy in removing tapeworms (I’m serious). It is used in Chinese medicine for disorders akin to the western medical condition.

But that does not mean you should run out and grap a bag of nuts! Mind you it was always a partial consideration for occasionally eating it when I was in Taiwan.


Worms hate garlic, the real stuff - chewed cloves of garlic.
After the little guests are all gone, it is important to re-establish the good bacteria in your gut.
ts very important - remember, you will be cleaning out the good stuff along with the bad.

Tapeworm Vermifuge Parasite Removal

Oh, additionally, [quote]Life Span of a Parasite:

The typical life cycle of a parasite starts with ingestion of eggs by the host. Parasites typically like a warm, dark and moist environment. They hatch and then invade the intestinal wall. Some will migrate to other parts of the body and some will migrate to the anal part of the body. Some adult parasites can live in the host body for up to two years. During this time as many as 50,000 eggs may be deposited. While in the body the parasites feed off of ingested food and even nutritional supplements. They also have an elimination process which means that they actually “go to the bathroom” in the host body. Once a person is infected it is not too difficult to eliminate the adult parasites. The more difficult part is dealing with the life cycle of the parasite which can take a considerable amount of time to accomplish.[/quote]

Okay HG and TC for the info.

I’m not really freaking out. But that milk test I will pass. That’s a bit too weird for me.

Just wait for the doc. If he comes back with inconclusive test, I’ll go somewhere else, or just self medicate.

Well, hopefully you won’t pass anything at all, especially a bowel python. :smiley:

There really is nothing worse than reading lists of symptoms. When I was studying general nursing I kept thinking I was about to die of whatever new disease we happened to be honing in on that day. However, there was worse, like when I started studying psychiatry.


Urrrgh! I’m now on my second day of fasting because of this thread.

I can bite into anything without the image of the sushi worms or poop with white pin worms :help:

I have seen a picture of a tapeworm coming out of a child. They used a clear chamber pot looking pot, so you could see it all coiled up in the water (not milk). Ew. One of my many irrational fears has always been getting tapeworms (along with bridges, highways, airplanes, monkey bars, boats, etc…) … =worms.wmv

And here they are,up close and personal.

I should probably follow up, as it was me who started the thread.

I never went to the doctor, as things got better. They continued to normalize until I was pretty much my old self again.

Namahottie, how are you doing with this? Are you okay?

The news may not be all bad.

[quote]Dr Weinstock reckons that’s because we’ve evolved with worms and actually need them.

Before gut worms were eradicated in the West 50 or so years ago allergies - caused by the overreaction of the immune system - were virtually unheard of, now in the UK one third of us suffers from some sort of allergy.

So scientists are looking to see if there’s a connection between gut worms and allergies, they are wondering if gut worms can somehow damp down the immune system to make it easier for them to live in the intestine without coming under attack.

He said: "Worms require humans to survive. In essence the worms are part of us and it’s possible that we’ve become interdependent and removing worms has resulted in an imbalance to our immune systems. [/quote]


[quote]Another person feeling the benefit of a worm infestation is academic researcher Alan Brown, who picked up hookworms while on a field-trip outside the UK.

The worm hangs around damp earth or water droplets, and on contact with skin burrows through and heads for the gut.

There it attaches itself to the wall - and drinks blood to live.

However, in western countries, where people are well-nourished, a moderate infestation is likely to have no nasty side-effects at all.

Dr Brown examines his own faeces under the microscope to try to gauge how many worms currently reside within him.

“Given the number of eggs there, there’s about 300 hookworms in my guts.”

However, there’s a useful effect - his hayfever has virtually disappeared, and now he is working on the powers of the hookworm with a view to developing an asthma drug. [/quote]

Nothing irrational about it – you definitely DO NOT want an airplane inside you. Or a boat. Especially one with a mast. Even a little one.