Storage units, Lock-up self-service storage lockers. Taichung / Wuqi

Looking for a storage unit in area of Taichung - Wuqi, 24h access. About the size of a garage. No need for fancy air conditioned space but should at least be dry, indoors and have 110V power.
Any recommendations?

Here is a business that specializes in that設備環境?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw8diwBhAbEiwA7i_sJfd8Rhiym4FmybQz4UhUkU42TeWwG4ieyxTySGeCRQU0BUs2gDFvOhoCEeEQAvD_BwE#


I’d love a service that would do mail forwarding internationally. Was never able to find this kind of service as I guess most people just send mail to family if they are overseas

Mail forwarding from Taiwan?

Chunghwa post used to offer cargo forwarding. But they stopped it, limited it to letters for 6 months and only allowed within Taiwan.

But it is a good service if you move house though. —> Instructions are here 中華郵政全球資訊網-各地郵局-臺北郵局 - 郵件改投、改寄新地址

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Yup. Most countries have companies that offer mail forwarding services but I’ve never found it in Taiwan

Yeh it’s not allowed it seems.

There was an embarrassment a few years ago when a drug package arrived in Taiwan and was returned to sender because they couldn’t find the intended recipient.

Upon return to Thailand it was found to contain drugs and was never inspected in Taiwan. (Not sure if that story had anything to do with that though lol but it seems that since then they tightened the rules on forwarding services)

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