Struggling with strong depression

I remember someone helping me with youtube videos a while ago. It would be nice if I can have a second set of hands to do the filming and stuff. Video editing isn’t my thing.

You can export t shirts out of Taiwan. Post is cheap sending out. Do controversial t shirts.
Sell on ebay. Hats are good too. You could Taiwan ant CCP.T shirts and hats.Sell.for export and domestically.

For Hk also!

We can’t have any controversial T-shirts made in China.

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They’d sell, pro Hong Kong , pro Taiwan, anti CCP.

Plus Tshirts with present pandemic theme such as…

In summer of last year no black coloured apparel was allowed to be imported into Hk because CCP won’t approve export out of China.

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@Taiwan_Luthiers it looks like you have quite a few potential customers here. Get your Instagram account set up to help showcase your stuff. You want it ready so you don’t have to scramble last minute to pull everything together.

This phrase seems like a good one for the current times:

I have an inactive instagram account. I just never used it because I don’t really know how to use it. I kept facebook mainly as a means to connect with friends not in Taiwan.

I post to a facebook group my work but right now in the works is a OM guitar and a cheap Aria electric guitar body that is getting a flamed maple top and a refinish.

Instagram is easy to use.

  1. Get your Instagram up
  2. Get a Face book page up
  3. Do live feeds when you are fixing an instrument.
  4. Start teaching beginners guitar , your own playing skill will simultaneously improve.
  5. Get a simple website up with a basic Q&A page, the key words “Fix guitar” “learn guitar” must come up (In Chinese). Google Ads are very cheap and can be specified to your location.
  6. you could even.sell music related t shirts on there too
    24 to 48 hours you could have it up and running

Most likely has been said already. If you are struggling with depression see a doctor. The quality of service here in taiwan is very high. Any hospital Jin Sen Ke it’s very routine.

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Some lady round these parts is advertising home made tie died mask for 20 bucks a piece. If you are great at making guitars you would think you could get on ebay/amazon, etc and market your product?

I had a dream last night I ordered a guitar from you for 2000 bucks but then i woke up and realized i dont have a spare 2000 bucks and I play like shit.


I apologize in advance for the essay I’m about to write. Obviously not knowing your whole situation, reading this from a standpoint of someone also struggling with depression, I’m going to be as honest and as helpful as I can try to be.

I feel like the loneliness is something that takes a lot of time to be able to move past and it’s sort of this emptiness that really doesn’t leave you, but eventually with time and maybe the right things that you surround yourself with you’ll feel less alone. But it’s not something you can really be sure of what’s going to happen you know? Loneliness is a feeling that’s always going to be there in your life, it just depends on working to figure out what’s best for you and making yourself feel less alone (if that makes sense). It takes motivation and effort and that is hard enough on it’s own to gather.

I know what it’s like to push people away because of trust issues, because people have really fucked me over in the past with trust and eventually use you see a bit of that in everyone else you meet, it’s a cycle and you wonder what if they fuck you over the same way. But I’ve learned from experience that even though in your past people might’ve consistently really let you down, you have to remember that everyone is individual, and you have to remember that you can’t be comparing new people to the people who have hurt yout in the past.

It’s easy to push people away, but it’s only a temporary solution to your problems. Over time I learned that every person you meet you should try to see them on a clean slate. Although everything in your head may be telling you “ok, maybe I don’t want to trust this person because I don’t wanna get hurt again” it’s still worth it to give that person a chance. Because if they don’t get the opportunity then you never really know, and if you never really know then you might be missing out on something really special. And if they do end up to hurting you, then at least you can tell yourself “hey, I was being strong and I overcame this fear, and I trusted this person but it just it didn’t turn out the way I wanted it to turn out but at least I tried” and that’s really important. And then that’s when you can cut the toxic people out of your life and keep the ones who have been there for you. And quite frankly, that’s how life is, there will be people there who will hurt you, but there are a fuckton of others out there who will not. It’s just a matter of whether or not it’s a risk and step you’re willing to take for yourself
Trust is definitely a big risk to be taking but remember to take everything one step at a time.

I’m sorry to hear that you’re struggling financially, but if your business is failing and you are aware of that. There are multiple options you can take to try to fix that. One being, obviously trying to figure out new ways to promote your business or figure out and cater to what your customers will like. Another being, find another job. With depression yes, it’s hard to find the motivation. Yes, it’s hard to figure out what your next step is in life, but these are just things that you have to do in order to maintain stability, as hard as it may be. You can’t be comparing yourself to others who make more money than you, who are more financially stable than you, and quite frankly you can’t always expect these surrounded people to help you financially or businesswise. It’s not their responsibility. Yes, it would be nice for them to help but where will that get you? Into a cycle of just getting used to being dependent on someone? You can’t compare yourself to others in these situations, “I have it worse and they have it better” or “They have it worse and I have it better”. The fact is that you’re all individuals struggling with your own life and problems and comparison as to who has it better or worse is unhealthy and also illogical because there are so many factors that contribute into what you’re trying to compare, and you’ll only be making it worse for yourself and bring yourself down even more.
In simple terms. It’s like comparing apples and oranges. Yeah, they’re both fruit but they’re completely different.

I know what it’s like to not be able to sleep, staying up all night with nothing but depression and anxiety going through your head, it’s worse when the medication doesn’t help because then you really feel helpless. I highly suggest talking to your doctor if your Luxipro is not working for you, there’s no point in taking it if it’s not doing anything. Communicate with your doctor, try different sleeping meds, and eventually you will find the right one for you. There are many illegal drugs out there that will knock you out cold but fortunately they are illegal, you don’t want to be going down the path of substance abuse and addication, ever. And especially with the mental state you’re in now, I would never reccomend touching anything you know will put you down the wrong path and spiral your life down worse as it already is, as appealing as illegal drugs might seem.

Life (at least for what we perceive it to be) isn’t a video game or a simulation. Life as we know it is a grind, and always will be. Things aren’t going to be easy and that’s something you have to learn to accept and I’m sure you know how hard it is already. Right now it probably feels like its you versus yourself, but that leads to nothing but worse mentality.
As for your friends around you who “refuse to even life a finger”, communication is key, if this is how you feel they are acting towards you, you need to confront your friends about that. Because I’m sure they have their reasons as to why they are acting the way they are, and it’s probably not as bad as what you think it is. It sounds to me like you have a lot of built up paranoia over people talking behind your back, not wanting to help you, wanting to ignore you. But you don’t know if any of this is true unless you talk about it.

All I can say is the one’s who are there to take the time to show you they care, really do mean it. Because there would be no reason for someone who didn’t care to take the time and effort to be there for you. And for someone who does care, the time and effort isn’t something that is a burden, it’s something that’s important to them just as much as it is to you. Feeling distance from people at times is a part of life, it comes and goes in waves especially when you’re not in the best headspace.

With depression, your feelings are something you bottle up inside yourself and cope unhealthily wit. But it’s hard to not bottle it up, and it’s hard to cope healthily. But your genuine emotions are an important factor that need to be shared with someone who you can trust and who can guide and help you through that process, especially someone who would understand and have been through similar situations.
At least as a first step, I’m sure there are things difficult enough to admit to yourself let alone try and express that to someone else. But if you do find the right person/people that you do feel comfortable with opening up to, it opens up a completely different territory not only for yourself but for your relationship with that person as well. And not only does that allow you to have someone there to listen, but it can benefit your mental state and life massively for the better. It just takes that step to allow yourself to trust and allow yourself to be vulnerable to this person. You just have to take that risk and step, to open up what you perceive to be the dark aspects of yourself to someone else.
Everyone has a completely different world of their own, none of that is easy to open up to or talk about but shutting yourself off but like i might’ve said before, shutting yourself off is only a temporary solution to your current/past problems and trauma.

Bettering yourself and your depression is really just a matter of trust, effort, and motivation. It’s something you can wait to come to you, it’s also something you can go out and seek. But it’s a step. Trying to be more open about what you think are the dark aspects about yourself is a risk that in my eyes, is worth taking. You can’t compare the rationality of your depression in your own head, to have someone there to give you their honest opinion and advice as well opens up a whole other ballpark.
Even if it’s tiny things. day by day, week by week, month by month, everything no matter how long it takes, is a step towards bettering yourself.

Sure, you can compare the world we live in to hell. But don’t we all have a different perception as to what hell is? To you, “Everyone exists solely for the purpose of inflicting misery upon as many people as they can. Everyone will kill, murder, lie, cheat one another so they can have a ton of money that does nothing for them.” Sure, some of this may be true. People kill, murder, lie, cheat, a lot of people will do anything for money and power. That’s life, that’s the world we live in and we have to accept that. But as hard as it may be for you, think about all the beauty there is in this world and universe that we live in. If Earth were closer to the sun, the oceans would boil away. If it were farther away, the oceans would freeze. Think about how many beautiful things there are and what there is to offer, even the tiniest things. Everything in your life is just made out of experiences that shape it until what it is today. The most minuscule action can change your own or anyones life in a drastic way. One action can change the whole outcome of a life. One action can lead to endless possibilities of the timeline that is life.

I used to think I hit rock bottom at one point, but what I thought was the bottom, wasn’t. Because shortly after I realized that life can get so so much worse, and it really did, life can continuously keep getting worse and worse. But then I realized just as life can get endlessly worse, (as cliche as it sounds), it can get endlessly better as well. It’s closed minded to think things can only get worse. Think of it as a spectrum.

You say “There is no light at the end of the tunnel.” and you’re right, I don’t think there is. At the end of “the tunnel” which I assume you mean deaht, I don’t believe there’s light, I believe there’s nothing. I know how it feels to be tired of living, to be at that point where you’re willing to give up because nothing seems worth it right? I’ve been there before, not looking both ways when crossing the street just for the chance that something could accidentally happen and I wouldn’t have to blame myself for it. Feeling nothing versus feeling the pain you’re feeling now seems like the better option right? Life just seems like an endless amount of dread right? No. It’s not. It takes effort to have to be strong, and you’ve already made it this far in life. That’s how life is and will be, it’s tiring as fuck. There comes a point where we get too tired and life gets too heavy and we choose to try the easy way out.

But let me tell you one thing suicide is not worth it and it will never be as lonely as you feel as helpless as you feel, everything is temporary. Everything, every second in your life is temporary. Being strong for yourself and others takes a big toll on your life, but it’s something that pays off.
Suicide is selfish, suicide is not an option for you or anyone. Losing one of my closest friends to suicide, there is not one day that goes by where I don’t feel every emotion of guilt, regret, anger, depression and self blame. Think of the people who will have to live with all of that, wishing that they could’ve done something sooner to help you, and since now I have been here to listen and help, I am now one of those people as well.

Don’t take the easy way out, it will get better but only if you put in the effort, no matter how long it takes. It’s the little things in life that make it worth living sometimes, like the previous responses, practice your passions, your hobbies, try something new in life.

‘We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory will swell when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.’ -Lincoln

Interpret that however it may fit into your situation.
Don’t give up.


:point_up_2: if I could, I would give 10 :heart: straightaway.

@Taiwan_Luthiers: print that response out or copy/paste into Note section of smartphone and re-read it whenever you’re down.

I’ll add resoundingly…NEVER GIVE UP!!!

Woah! I just read the OP and skipped the rest. I’m guessing people have told you to call some kind of helpline and all the usual stuff. And I agree with them. I’ll just add one thing in case no-one else has mentioned it:

memes and videos… especially of cats!

Seriously. If you can’t afford anything else but still have internet, distract yourself from your negative thoughts by looking at funny stuff. Already seen every cat on the interwebs? Start over again and see you favorites. What’s the worst that could come of it?*

(*Actually it’s possible to die laughing, but that’s pretty rare.)

And that would pretty much be what you pay a shrink to say. And you just got that for free.

Not exactly. A shrink would get you to say it yourself. Otherwise it probably won’t work.


Well… I mean… uh… that’s the conclusion that would come from such a visit or two or three… etc…