students seen dressed as Arabs mocking them by carrying toy machine guns

it seems that some of the fellow forumosans are a bit or a lot… humm

well here is what i think- and this is ONLY my point of view.
Iam mixed - eastern european from the daddy and north african from the mummy -
grew up in north africa being a christian and going to the church every sunday.
my fellow jews friends went to the cynagog and the muslim friends to the mosk

I have never seen a gun in Morocco.
I grew up in Marrakech ( considered as the gay capital of morocco)

i left the country at 18 and build my life in 6 other countries.

What i think is:
do you really think that these guys wake up in the morning thinking about blasting people, killing woman or gay or whatsover terrorist group do?
Do you really think that these guys building their life on the kuran?

what i think is that muslim ( in general) like any other humans, wake up in the morning and think about how they will make $, their work, their holidays, family and every one struggles depending on how wealthy he is or not.

If they are rich, well they think about partying and spending $, or investing and getting richer or whatsever,
middle class will focus on making $ and spending it,
lower class will focus on how they will pay their rents etc…

I don’t believe they are more different than us.
After a long day at work, people tend to relax afterwards, a beer, a tea, watching sport on tv or just staying with families.

You will always have weak people who can be easily brain washed and manipulated.

But any person with a bit of common sense will never blow himself because of a holy book.

PS: some of the best parties in europe are in Morocco :rofl: