Superstitious or just plain crazy?

You should have done it during ghost month while whistling and hopping like a zombie. Guaranteed they will never talk to you again.

They most likely don’t believe a word they said, just trying to be nice to u, but they really meant: keep your branches out of my property(and air)

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Yeah trees have a way of growing

You do not need to worry after our sons birth I buried the placenta next to that tree for good fortune. My family in law insisted. :smile:

I thought it was supposed to be eaten?

The tree ate it.

Offer to sell them their life-energy back.

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Awesome now I have an excuse to use with my neighbors. They have let thsi jungle grow on teh firts floor and now my home is full of critters, and I do not mean the furry kind. I was trying to clean cobwebs from the lamps and I just gave up. I counted like 20 spiders between the living room and the kitchen. I am sure the cicada the cats caught came from their trees, which rise all the way to cover my second floor window.

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I would move. 20 spiders? Nope nope nope nope.

Worst part: I don´t know if they are small ones or the children of the huntsmanspider I found in the toilet a few weeks ago…

Should have told them that they have NHI, so no worries, the doctor could help them!

So now you have a tree with human DNA?:thinking:

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I had to remove those beasts two times this year. No idea how they get in. All our widows have screens.

I am not scared of spiders. But those things run across the room and up the walls in a fraction of a second. This freaked me the hell out until I caught it in a bucket. My instincts gave me a hell of a adrenaline rush.

I released it in the garden next to our lovely tree. :grin:

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… and no more mosquitoes, yeah!

Maybe you can explain how plants get life energy. Everyone knows they absorb it From the roots and not the branches. Did they never take a science class.

Um, photosynthesis?

Do you glow?

Unfortunately not anymore

Icon, are they crawling all over your keyboard and pressing random keys again? :joy:

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