Suspicious email from Hinet

Can anyone tell me what this is all about? The wife has no idea, I don’t remember doing anything with Hinet on the date mentioned. I’m not sure if it’s an invoice or a receipt or a ticket or what. I’m reluctant to login to this website mentioned and wholly puzzled by the email.


Part 1.


1、 本公司開立電子發票作業係依據中正稽徵所 093年07月16日 財北國稅中正營業字 第0930020673號 函核准使用。
2、 本公司將於開獎後十日內,將中獎發票掛號郵寄給您,請您至郵局兌獎;本公司受託代銷業務須於收款後,補開立發票者,將於收款後三天內開立並通知客戶。
3、 索取實體發票,或線上瀏覽電子發票明細資料,請進入中華電信電子發票系統。
4、 個人識別碼:**** (個人識別碼 – 用於財政部電子發票整合服務平台查詢使用。)
5、 若 貴客戶需查詢『HiNet受託代銷電子商務使用費』明細內容,請連結至,通過身分認證後即可查詢。

Part 2.
中華電信股份有限公司 台北營運處
電子計算機統一發票 中華民國100年02月08日

發票號碼: *********** 檢查號碼: 聯單號碼:
買受人 : 林****
統一編號: 客戶電話號碼: 2********
地 址: 代繳帳號:
品 名 數量 單價 金額 備 註 營業人統一發票專用章
HiNet受託代銷電子商務使用費 1 174 174

銷 售 額 合 計 174
營 業 稅 應稅 V 零稅 免稅 ***** 電子發票通知聯
總 計 174
總計新台幣 ( 中文大寫 ) 零 仟 零 佰 零 拾 零 萬 零 仟 壹 佰 柒 拾 肆 元
本發票依財政部國稅局中正稽徵所0930716財北國稅中正營業字第0930020673號 函核准使用。

Scam, ignore

That’s what I think. But in 2011, CHT changed their billing (for whatever eff*ing reason)… and I’m wondering if it’s related to my KKBox Account. But I’ll be damned if I’m logging into that site, just to find out. KKBox just charge our regular CHT account, so I see little reason for this additional bill. We do not use any other Hinet service apart from FTTB which is also billed to our account.

I’ll have to call CHT tomorrow.

don’t click on that link whatever you do, in fact you should delete it lest some unwary soul might

Yeah the only thing to look at is the domain name: Hinet isn’t going to use a random string of numbers for their web site. Case closed.

Actually the string is their phone number … have a look at their billing FAQ

But if you want to be sure, send them an email or call and forward the received email …

At least report it

Here’s a snapshot of a Google cached version of the page

After further investigation …

交易代號 10HD73000209
憑證持有者, O=中華電信數據通信分公司, C=TW
效期起始日 Fri Oct 01 09:22:59 CST 2010
效期截止日 Mon Oct 01 09:22:59 CST 2012
憑證狀態 正常
憑證持有人 中華電信數據通信分公司
統編 96979997
公司地址 10000台北市中正區信義路一段21號數據大樓資訊處

Chinese to English translation
Domain Name:
Transaction Code 10HD73000209
Certificate holder CN =, O = Chunghwa Telecom Data Communication Branch, C = TW
Validity Start Date Fri Oct 01 09:22:59 CST 2010
Valid until Mon Oct 01 09:22:59 CST 2012
Certificate status is normal
Certificate holders of Chunghwa Telecom Data Communication Branch
System Code 96979997
Company Address 10000 Hsin Yi Road, Taipei City section of the building information data at 21

I linked through a KOD service page (KTV ondemand service)

After querying for the phone# 02 23443581 this came up …

ePKI is a certification site

After pushing the Chinese through Google translate I have to say that it looks as an electronic cashier ticket, enabling you to win the grand price of 2,000,000 NT$ in the bimonthly drawings … at least the attached file should be