I’m planning to leave my job and and have almost another job lined up. My issue lies with the 5 year ARC plan.
I’ve done this before while switching jobs, but the previous time seemed like it wasn’t optimal.
I left my past job, found a new job, but created the ARC extension (2 week timeframe) first, and then switched immediately afterwards (another 2 weeks). Overall, it took me a month to switch jobs because I wanted to ensure my ARC status would remain intact. At the time, I was afraid to directly apply with them, because I have been ghosted with job opportunities before. Imagine a company telling you the offer is yours, but to ghost you in the end :(.
So my questions are…
Once I leave a job, if HR immediately calls immigration, would my ARC be cancelled since they were able to get a hold of immigration first? Or is there some special ruling on this?
If my ARC was cut off for a short period, 1 to 7 days, does that also break the 5 year continous time? Sounds like yes, but seems a bit unfair if a company ghosts you.
Is there any leeway to this? Am I safer just applying for the ARC extension and then finding a new job?
So, not applicable to your case, but if you get divorced whilst on a spouse ARC, when the household registration office tells the immigration agency about it, they give you ten days before your spouse ARC is cancelled AFIAK. There is likely something similar for work ARC too. I’m sure others will know. Since you probably wouldn’t be able to get everything you need for the new job in however many days they give before cancelling your ARC, it would be best to apply for a 6 month job searching ARC first, and then convert to a work ARC when possible.
She signs in from time to time and has posted once or twice. But this whole debacle started with the thread talking about posting links in Chinese with no context.
Just a FYI for anybody searching about this topic,
The company tried to get me to directly switch my work permit/ARC over to them without creating the job seeker ARC, so I went to immigration to make sure about this. Immigration told me to get the job seeker ARC because if there is an issue anywhere in the process, I could be fined or risk the 5 years time.
So does the “job seeking visa” count towards the 5 years needed to get an APRC? I read somewhere that certain types of ARCs don’t count, such as the student one.
And according to the last post, if I received a new job offer, I should switch to a “job seeking visa” after leaving my current job but accepting the new job?