Taidong, Hualian, Yilan (Travel)

… and more about places to stay (as well as eat and play)

:arrow_right: Hualian

馨憶精緻民宿 (Xin1 Yi4 Jing1 Zhi4 Min2 Su4 / Guesthouse Shin’i) No. 218, 南京街 (Nan2​ Jing1​ Jie1), Hualian City, Tel. 03-835-8767
Rooms with 1, 2, or 3 twin beds. Using one bed per person comes to NT$900-1000 (weekends NT$1000-1200) per person,
and with 2 people per bed you pay NT$450-600 (weekends NT$500-750) per person.
Details at sinyi.17357.tw/sinyi/ (Chinese) - the actual rates are those on the Japanese page. The managers speak Chinese and Japanese, but they have English speaking staff, as well.

A selection of useful tips on places and activities:
Hualien mid-week