Tainan Exploding Whale Anniversary 26 Jan

Saw it on the news last night. Massive whale strapped on the back of a lorry being transported to a university for dissection or something. Suddenly it explodes, painting the side of a white car parked at the side of the road a nice shade of red, street is drenched. People are posing to have their pciture taken hands covering nose and mouth because of the stench.
Imagine if you had been standing there when she blew!

I can’t find any news about it on the Internet. Bound to make News of the Weird.

photo on todays taipeitimes website. couldnt see any evidence of where it exploded tho (perhaps pic was pre-popping).

It was in Tainan. On the front page of the Taipei Times this morning. I’d hate to have to clean that up.

It’s a pity it didn’t explode in the faces of those odious people who kill and eat whales, dolphins, and other delightful creatures of the sea. That would have been poetic justice.

What about tuna? They’re delightful too in their own way. Tuna melt…mmmm!

Came across a great term to describe this fixation with large, ‘cute’ animals - charismatic megafauna. It’s ok for the smaller, dumber and not so cute animals to end up on the menu though. Strange how humans make this distinction.

Omni, the whale in question beached itself, so the justice wouldn’t be poetic, just misplaced.

Hazardous Materials

A 17m sperm whale is sent to National Chenggong University in Tainan for an autopsy yesterday. The whale ran aground and died Saturday on a beach in Yunlin. Due to internal decomposition, the whale’s organs unexpectedly burst from its belly on the way to university’s laboratory.

Photo: Huang Polang, Taipei Times

I’ll file that phrase away :slight_smile: I personally have never quite understood the fuss over eating whales and (potentially) dolphins - I mean, it freaks me out a little, because I’m as much a product of my cultural environment as anyone else, but the logic eludes me. We eat animals that are smart (pigs, octopus), cute (baby lambs, ducks, deer), big (cows) and old (orange roughy). Ok, obviously I can see a case against hunting endangered species, but that doesn’t cover all whales.

Now, Marmite, on the other hand, Omni… :mrgreen:

Marmite is revolting, nasty yucky stuff. :barf:

I still don’t understand why it is considered OK to eat tuna but not dolphins (as long as they are not endangered of course)?

Does the ox/chestburster scene from Alien3 come to anyone else’s mind ?

Seeing as you asked twice, it’s not OK. Both are horrible things to do.


Hazardous Materials

A 17m sperm whale is sent to National Chenggong University in Tainan for an autopsy yesterday. The whale ran aground and died Saturday on a beach in Yunlin. Due to internal decomposition, the whale’s organs unexpectedly burst from its belly on the way to university’s laboratory.

Photo: Huang Polang, Taipei Times

My God! Is that the poor creature’s willy hanging free there? What an undignified way to go.

Ohhhh, I never saw the movies, but that would explain all the excitement over Free Willy and its sequels.

Seeing as you asked twice, it’s not OK. Both are horrible things to do.[/quote]

I agree with Brian. I’m just as upset by people killing and eating tuna as I am by their killing and eating any other creature, whatever its size or perceived intelligence. But it does seem especially appalling when the creature in question possesses notably endearing traits, such as the expressiveness and/or friendliness to and trust in people exhibited by many doggies, kitties, dolphins, monkeys, and so on.

The lorry stopped right after it exploded which means the driver must have heard it explode and thought ‘What the…?’

It would have been great to interview the driver. How does an exploding whale sound?
Was there a story in the TT with the picture? I’ve done a search on the site and can’t find anything.

What about fruits and vegetables? Don’t they have feelings too?

“Won’t eat anything with a face huh? But you’ll go ahead and eat a big head of lettuce, won’t you. Eat a big ear of corn. You’ll suck the eyes out of a potato. Eat a heart of artichoke. But nothing with a face.”–Harland Williams

Live yoghurt - those poor, poor microorganisms.

By the way, does a strict vegetarian swallow? :wink:

Well, at least I won’t have to listen to her CDs anymore.


You ignorant sod, fruits want to be eaten. The tree entices monkeys and birds with its sweet fruit, in the hopes that the animals will unwittingly help the tree spread its seeds far and wide.

Vegetables, on the other hand, do not want to be eaten. That is why so many develop toxins as a defense mechanism.

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Did anyone else just have a Hitchhiker’s ‘dish of the day’ flashback? Just me, then? Mmm, steak :smiley: