Tainan Exploding Whale Anniversary 26 Jan

Almas “fat bastard” John wrote: [quote]Of course, the whale wasn’t taken away for an autopsy or research - it was taken for its skeleton which will make a magnificient display in some hall/museum.[/quote]

I was wrong. The whale was taken by a professor to do research on its stomach contents. He didn’t want the skeleton and had no intention of keeping or selling it. Almas, you cynical bastard!

I can’t believe nobody has posted this yet, hehe…


hehe, the Tainan men went to ‘experience the length of its penis’.

This is why I love Taiwan.

I’m sure there was a thread about that incident 3 years ago.

EDIT: here you go
forumosa.com/taiwan/viewtopi … ight=whale

The thread is here.

EDIT-Oops, ya beat me to it.

Oh God… this happened three years ago? checks the date… Fucking Digg… My bad!

Sorry, but we had a thread on this three years ago.

EDIT: OOPS, beaten again. :laughing:

But this newbie would have missed it if you hadn’t brought it up, so thanks anyway. : )

Yes, President Chen was very lucky to survive that other attempt on his life. I mean an exploding whale? Who would have thought of it?


Um :blush:

Think about it, thought, it would just be such a fabulous thing to do. As long as the whale died of natural causes. How long would it take, y’think?

Yes, the exploding whale in Tainan from a few years ago.

yum yum!


Damn, checked back in on this topic thinking there would be an update or something, maybe the whale is going to explode again…but no.

Pics though! :slight_smile:

It’s tempting to say only in Taiwan but take a look at this link


Just think about that the next time you come across one.

I’m just curious. Does anyone know exactly where in Tainan the gut spilling happened? I’ve read everything I can find online, but no mention of a location.

We even had a thread on this.

Please raise your hand if you have NOT heard this story to death. :sunglasses:

Hell, National Geographic even did an entire show on it… or was that Discovery? One of those doco channels. anyway. I don’t think they gave the street name, though.

KJ -
Just off Siaolin Rd. where the big bank with the yellow & red sign. Right around that corner.

The Natty Geo piece mentioned it a few times. Just ask around at the shops there - They will tell you ALL ABOUT IT!