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Fees:$250│Venue:E7play│Vacancies:30│Time:(Sun) 19:00~22:00
Event schedule:18:30—MRT台北橋站 1號出口(Meet )│19:00—Entering│21:30~22:00—The end& photograph time for all
18:30—MRT台北橋站 1號出口(集合)│19:00—入場│21:30~22:00—結束&團體拍照
Taipei Mandarin Center/台北語学センター/타이페이 언어중심
TMC— Taipei Mandarin Center/台北語学センター/타이페이 언어중심 - TMC
Taipei Life— Taipei Life - Share House/シェアハウス/쉐어 하우스/分租雅房《台北&台灣&Taiwan》
Taipei台日交流— Taipei台日交流&日台友好《台灣生活Taiwan&日本生活Japan&中文 中国語 日文 日本語&言語交換&友達をつくろう&台湾祭》
Taipei台韓交流대한교류— Taipei台韓交流대한교류《台灣生活대만Taiwan&韓國生活한국Korea&中文 중국어 韓文 한국어&中韓語言交換언어교환&친구 만들기》
Taipei Language Exchange— Taipei Language Exchange/台北語言交換《台灣Taiwan&台中Taichung&台南Tainan&高雄Kaohsiung》

I am super tempted to head to Taipei this weekend to watch this tournament.

Taiwan has amazing ideas about bowling. Or more precisely, how to release the ball and where to aim it in the rack. Taiwan is a world outlier when it comes to bowling technique and how to approach the pocket.

Canada’s Frankie Lavoie (modern Western style) vs Xu Zhe-Jia (Taiwanese style). Commentary mentions that Taiwan has done extensive statistical analysis resulting in this style. Not sure I buy the conclusion, but it is very interesting.

When I first went to visit the bowling alley at the top of Big City shopping mall in Hsinchu, I couldn’t find a public ball weighing more than 13lbs. Like, that is the heaviest ball available. In the States I throw a 16lb ball, I’m like wtf. Then I glommed onto Taiwanese attitudes about bowling, how a lightweight ball does no worse than a heavy ball, the spinner style and angle of attack, etc. Mentally I want to ascribe this to weak-wristed Taiwanese, but evidently there is some science behind the approach. Super interesting.