“Taipei, CN” - Please make your opinions heard!

We have that in common

common ground can be found in many different paths, ha ha

There’s a list of all the tea shops to boycott somewhere. It’s in Chinese though. As I recall, Coco, 50 lan, and 85 C are also on the list.


Ah yes, our lovely island country that recognizes same-sex marriage… Taiwan, Province of China. Thanks UN.

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In Chinese! Man, the people that made that list should be on the list!

As far as I understand roughly like this: Removed the Taiwan website, overhauling all country websites to make sure they don’t keep referring to Taiwan as a country. Confirming they always supported Chinese sovereignty over all their claimed territories, and deeply apologizing for hurting the feelings if the Chinese people.



nice, I changed title of other one to include articles like yours

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Thanks, Probably better to have all of these similar news in the other article. Could lead to a nice boycott list :grin:

The problem is if you are going to travel internationally and you want to boycot those companies. Your only options will be eva air and china airlines probably.

If Taiwanese ppl themselves don’t boycott I sure as hell won’t.
I don’t like it, but also see much spine or effort from locals .

+ (id)computeEmojiFlagsSortedByLanguage 
    NSMutableArray *array = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:[EMFEmojiCategory flagEmojiCountryCodesCommon」; //獲得大部分的國旗 Emoji
    NSString *regionCode = _EMFGetDeviceRegionCode(); //獲得裝置地區(硬體)

    if (![regionCode isEqualToString:@"CH"] && ![regionCode isEqualToString:@"ZA"]) 
        NSString *locale = [[NSLocale currentLocale] objectForKey: NSLocaleCountryCode]; //獲得設定裡面的地區(軟體)
        if (![locale isEqualToString:@"CN"] && ![locale isEqualToString:@"MO"] && ![locale isEqualToString:@"HK"]) 
            [array addObject:@"TW"]; //檢查通過,增加 TW Emoji(中華民國國旗)
//... 後面不重要
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I’m not sure if this is the correct place to post this. Mods please move if off topic.

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Let them try and have the games in China!


Chinese supermarket

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Ahhh, a charm offensive that won’t stop giving!
