Taipei exhibition recommendations

An old friend of mine is coming to town. She’s into culture and stuff. I promised to take her to some interesting exhibition or other cool place this afternoon. Was thumbing through the LP when I realised it would be better to ask here about current exhibitions. But I haven’t got much time. I’ve got to leave the house in an hour.

Any thoughts?

[Edit: I checked the MOCA site but neither of the current exhibitions there looks that great.]

Yeah, there are frozen mammoths at Democracy Hall.
Dragonbabe says the NPM has some exhibits of a foreign artist; you could check their website.

Mammmmmmmmmmmmmmmoth exhibition!


NPM’s a bit too ambitious for today I think, but the mammoth memorial hall could be an idea. I’ll suggest either that or the National Museum of History and Botanical Gardens.

I suppose Shida Road’s the best bet for getting a decent, affordable bite to eat not too far from there?

[quote=“lupillus”]Mammmmmmmmmmmmmmmoth exhibition!

hahaha[/quote]Noisy buggers, weren’t they?


hot[/quote]It’s open in the evening too. Might be cooler then.

Anyway, I’ll make it totally optional, as with my other suggestions. She might just want to go shopping in the end, anyway.

People really love exhibitions here.

We had to line up to get into the mammoth one. It was OK. Some tusks, a skull with a bit of hair, a skeleton of a little mammoth, a model of a bigger one. Some info and pictures on walls. Loads and loads of people–it was hard to see some of the exhibits.

Later we went to the National Museum of History. There were huge queues for the Millet exhibition. A queue for the tickets, and another to get in. We skipped that and saw some other good stuff in the rest of the museum. Apparently coffee shops were quite popular with arty types in Taiwan in the thirties. Interesting. I thought coffee had come here with the Americans.

joe, take her to Xinzhu to the Guqifeng museum. It’s really one of a kind and has the type of quirky artifacts that are immediately appealing.

Coffee has been around for a while. Fongda in Xinmending has been around since the 50s and still has some of the best coffee in the city. Plus it’s great to sit and listen to the old mainland guys yabbering about politics.

you can take her to any Kindergarten and watch the endangered foreigner teach a bunch of kids. No ques but you may have to take off your shoes and wash your hands.

That little square behind the Ximen MRT is pretty nice…by the red theater. At night many arty locals play music and exhibit their creations there…

She was just in town for the day, actually. And her kid attends kindergarten in Taidong–I think there might be an endangered foreigner kept in a cage there or something!

But I’ll bear the other suggestions in mind as fun places to go anyway. Been to Ximending a couple of times but haven’t hung out in the square or gone to the coffee shop.

The Guqifeng sounds interesting. I’m sure I’ll make it there one of these days.

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