Taipei STD test

Apologies if this has been asked before, but I can’t find any recent information.

How on earth do I get an STD test in Taipei?

I have an ARC and NHI card, but I haven’t been in Taiwan long and I have thus far avoided needing to any health treatment. Can I just turn up to a hospital and ask for a test? Are there any free clinics?

I swear hospitals here make their websites impossible to navigate with needlessly complex booking pages to dissuade people from turning up? WHY is it so difficult to get something so simple and easy as an STD test?

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

I’m also interested. Had a look around the forum but mostly got hits for some ancient threads. The only valid place I found seems to be Minsheng

Apart from that, are there any other private clinincs, and also what is the deal with the hospitals? Do they do comprehensive testing?