Taipei Trash and Recycling: A Quick and Easy Guide

Taipei needs this?

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Not sure. Those are great in European historical districts because of the low aesthetical impact. Taiwan, generally speaking, doesn’t need it for this reason. What Taiwan has in abundance are supercockroaches.

Those things are ridiculous! That crane fitted truck takes forever to get it emptied, people milling about while the driver blunders about lifting this huge steel box.

I’m confused on this garbage pickup stuff. I tried to take my trash out today, using the pink bags my landlord had left over. I’m in Taipei and yeah we use the blue bags, but I googled and a news article from 2019 said Taipei and New Taipei would start accepting each others’ bags. He refused tho. So some guy tried to help me out, told me to buy bags at 7/11. I go to 7/11 and the only bags they have are pink, and some big black ones. I went to Carrefour and they had a bunch of different bags, but they were all pink. Wtf? I also didn’t see anything on the bags of bags that indicated they were approved for use – they’re supposed to have a seal or something, right?

The recycling part, I’m confused on too. They’ve got big bags attached to the side of the truck that people are using, and then some barrels marked in Chinese only. I went out with a bag of plastic and a bag of scrap metal pans, and he had me put both of them in the same bag hanging off the truck. Wha?
Oh, and those were in pink bags…

Go to another 7 nearby? Ask for … ‘垃圾袋’. le-si-dai

Also, go to 7-11 near where you expect to drop the trash off.

Here in Taipei City ours are blue and have a special vignet or seal of some type.

I went to the 7/11 across the street from my apartment ha. Only pink there.

The Carrefour is also within Taipei.

Oh and what the trash guy actually did when I tried to hand him the bag is rip it open and grab out another bag of stuff I had inside, in a store bag with a seal, and left me hanging with this now-ripped bag of trash…

Pick another 7 nearby? I never saw these at Carrefour.

I looked at 2 or 3 Sevens / FMs. Will try again tomorrow.

To add to the first post of this thread, I think this is a better guide and states the days that each type of material is picked up:

In case that long link is one-time use for some reason, it’s at the bottom of this page:

I don’t think trash bags are on the shelf at 7-Eleven so you can’t look for them. They’re behind the counter which includes the bag whenever you buy something from 7-Eleven.

They have a little silver hologram sticker on one corner.

Carrefour they are usually near the checkout counter and they have like 10 different sizes.

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Recycle bags do not need a special label.

Any bag can be used or you can just dump it and carry your bag away with you.

Do you live at the boundary between Taipei and New Taipei or something? It seems unlikely that the store will stocks the wrong color of garbage bags for your area…

Yeah, usually behind the counter. I just Google “Taipei city garbage bags” or whatever and show them a picture.


All those pink or black or baby blue on the shelf in stores those are just bags for trash but not OFFICIAL trash bags.

If you use those, then you still have to put that inside another official trash bag that has the silver hologram sticker.

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Ah ok. So weird you have to ask for such a daily item. I’ll try Carrefour again cause I want what we’d call in the US kitchen-size trash bags.
The bags I had found were in the cleaning supply aisle

I’m not anywhere close to the border of TPE / New TPE

I’m guessing the ones you found aren’t official trash bags then. The official ones include a “tax” covering the garbage costs, I believe. I assume that’s also why they’re kept behind the counter, because they’re made relatively expensive to cover this cost.

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I’ve been wondering where to buy these elusive blue trash bags with the shiny stickers!
I live in a building that does the stairwell rubbish collection thing, so I haven’t needed to worry about it yet, but will be moving in Dec so…good to know.

Official trash bags holograms are almost literally money.

Unlike other things on a shelf like noodles or toilet paper.

Official trash bags are tracked and monitored from production to sale to final user.

Can you imagine if could produce your own with the right hologram and then sell them. Like making gold from plastic.

I heard there have been trash bags scams over the years, people making fake ones and selling them or stealing truckloads or whatever.