Taiwan Albino Questions

Actually, her confidence was crushed both here and there, not much to be done…

That’s just weird. I’m sure in England she would have been fine. I think England has the largest percentage of mixed race people in the western world. Maybe she was living in some very white part of the states.


Texas or somewhere South of the Dixie line.

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One source claims they are sometimes called “tudigong ren” and feels they are discriminated against for non-specific reasons

I know certain horrible ideas exist about albino people that sometimes lead to their disenfranchisement, abuse, or worse, but people in general also just tend to hold a negative view of those with “defects” or “disabilities” or “disorders” irrespective of the culture they grow up in. ‘Tis sad but true.

Anyone different gets bullied, the more different the more serious, Albino is just another one on.a long list, shorter people, very tall people , red heads unless beautiful, large nosed people, it’s just the way it is and will always be I guess.

I remember reading about Connie Chiu a few years ago. She was born in Hong Kong but her parents moved the family to Sweden when Connie was 7 for her health concerns (brutal HK sun, vision issues). She became a fashion model and basically opened the door for other albino models. They have a unique look that can be star power in the fashion world.



disagree with that. i can remember a kids being racist even in first school. and it doesn’t get better as you get older. a friend of mine from china who studied in england has actually been spat on by chavs. i think taiwan has a way to go but i prefer the type of racism where you don’t get spat on.

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I guess they must be lucky enough to have the capitals to immigrate to Sweden. I don’t imagine they’d offer asylum because of health.

I’ll see if I can find the link, but people of East Asian origin are the highest ethnic minority in England reporting racial abuse. It used to be people of African/Caribbean origin, but the theory is a lot of them are old now and consequently not going to places where racial abuse is likely to occur.

I witnessed, and called out, a guy saying “fucking monkeys” when I was with my kid in a playground this summer. There’s a lot of hate over there at the moment.

You’re sure he wasn’t talking about you?

He might have been. Although I’d have been in the singular.

Point taken. :+1:

I hope you kicked the shit right out of him.

With my daughter there? No, I just told him off.

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To be fair he could have mental health issues or something. He just wandered off muttering to himself.

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Chavs spit on almost everyone whom they can, and many of them are of mixed race themselves.Thats chavs beiing chavs they’ll do.it to any race including their own kind unless they fear you are more violent than them.

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its also small minded english people being racist. which makes up a large percent of the country. and honestly if i had a kid, i would not be prepared to raise them there.

i have an acquaintance who once told me there are no good looking asian women. all i need to do is walk out my front door for one minute to see an attractive woman, its probably months at a time before a hotty even steps foot in his inbred backwater town but he had the nerve to share this view with me?

You’re joking right?
Maybe if she’d grown up in Vancouver she’d have felt normal.

Racism back in Britain is one reason why I chose to emigrate with my biracial family to Canada.

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