Taiwan Albino Questions

Wow how many passports do you have ?

Must be living in different areas of the country I have bi racial friends and family members I think once a little kid made fun of their eyes in 20 years. I think maybe you didn’t like them and they just didn’t like you or something about what you did or acted like.

One for now: a British passport. The immigration policies implemented during Theresa May’s tenure as Home Secretary meant it was substantially easier and less burdensome for me, my Taiwanese wife and Taiwanese/British son to all emigrate to Canada than it would have been to move back to the UK with my foreign spouse/mother of my son.
(But hey, Britain needs to take back control of its borders, right? Grumble grumble…)

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oh ok I get it now. So your wife has a Canadian passport or is it easy just to move into Canada ? I know Vancouver has quite a substantial amount of Taiwanese.

No, none of us are Canadians. It’s just that when we decided to leave Taiwan the barriers for entry for a foreign spouse of a British citizen (the need to be separated more than once during the process, no immediate work rights for the foreign spouse) to enter the UK were significantly higher than the barriers were for a family of three people to apply for Canadian permanent residency and be able to immediately lead a normal life upon entry.

My son is in public school, just entering grade 1. One of his classmates is half-Taiwanese - he’s normal here. Vancouver has one of the highest rates of biracial marriages in North America. I’d be very surprised if my son could grow up this “ordinary” in Taiwan or the UK (different kinds of discrimination in both countries, of course).

yeah ok.
Spousal visa is still available which gives right to.work in UK. You just have to meet the financial requirements that you can support her for one year without benefits. And of course have to prove you are married that can be done by marrying in somewhere like Malaysia unless you were married in UK. I did that years ago and it hasn’t changed according to the website. But yes living in Vacouver among Taiwanese will probably be better able to give them a more protected easier life. Better than.growing up on an English council estate I would guess although some are nicer than made out to be.

I don’t know why this sentence of yours irritates me so much, but it does. Life isn’t “easier”, but it is better. We don’t live among Taiwanese; we live among Canadians. We both work full time and my son goes to school - which for reasons that completely baffle me is on a schedule that is completely unrelated to a normal work schedule. We have no family support here because mine is in the UK and my wife’s is in Taiwan. However, because of Vancouver’s diversity my son is seen as ordinary, and neither he nor my wife suffer any form of discrimination whatsoever in the workplace or in the classroom. This is a substantial improvement over what I believe they would get in the UK - council estate or not (and you’d better believe it’d be “not”), and it’s also an improvement over what he was getting in Taiwan (“Oh, look at the little mixed kid - oh the foreign child can speak Chinese, 好厲害喔!”)


Had an albino classmate in elementary school. I think in school they do need special treatments as their condition restricts them from prolonged activities in the sin light. My classmate didn’t make it past 10 though… maybe it was just the medicine back then.

Is it because he misspelled Vancouver??

Just spitballing here…

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Well, honestly speaking, I think no one should be exposed to prolonged activities under the sin light…


We are all born with it.


Original Sin yes

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yes, why does it irritate you? So.are you going to allow them vacations to places like Poland or Hungary or heaven forbid England. I kind of agree that wrapping kids in cotton wool might be good for them for a short while but occasionally they need to harden up a bit, well not unless you got lots of money to allow them the priveledge of choosing where to live or reside. So do your kids consider themselves Canadian?

i’m from a pretty harmless place. not a city though, so most people are bog standard english with the odd indian, chinese and black kid here and there.

even as far back as first school kids were using ‘paki, chink and nigger’ you only learn those things when you are that young from your parents. english society might not be racist, and people might not openly show it either, but a lot of people behind closed doors are imo from my experience of growing up there. and not only the chavs, plenty of upper class too.

Are you from Lincolnshire ?

i’m from dorset. and i can’t imagine things get better as you go north.

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Good cider there and a nice beach at Bournmouth !

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