Taiwan/China discussion

A blog post about Chinese tv shows means many people are watching them?

And xiaohongshu isn’t that popular. Some dumb kids are using it but it’s extremely niche. Even twitter is more popular and most people don’t use twitter in Taiwan.

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Taiwan talk show is nothing but little school girl gossip and I never liked any of it. Tv in America is bad enough.

You just posted a picture from 2020

Xiaohongshu is popular with young people

This is Google play social rankings for today and that’s not split by age group


Most people use an iPhone.


Well, I’m not sure how representative that is.
Most people use iPhone not Android…

@Gain beat me to it


hahahahahahaha I knew you would not accept that its popular

Its 5th in the iOS social rankings

If I paid could split by age groups

42% of Taiwanese use Android still.

if you dont watch, how do you know?

Sure they do.
I was just pointing out that wasn’t the majority, so the Google Play store numbers wouldn’t represent the reality.
But I’d like to see updated stats from the same source @Gain shared before.

Which seems ridiculous to me. Buying iPhones is just like giving money to China and Terry Gou just for them to turn around to say Taiwan is poor because all the assembly jobs are gone, so vote for me so I can make it worse.

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The rate of inflation of iphone prices despite very incremental improvement makes me think they might as well rent the phone out as you never owned it either way.

TV in general is shit, as is radio. Dinosaurs soon to be extinct or living in preserves for nostalgic reasons.

Why would you? Go and search any of the app store rankings Top Grossing Apps | TAIWAN | Top App Store Rankings for iOS

Its a lot of Taiwan components though


Foxconn and Terry Gou are known for forcing their suppliers to sell at nearly no profit. Their own model at once was sign a deal at a loss, and then ask for government subsidies to turn red to black. While Apple is making most of the profit, Foxconn is profiting from the CCP.

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Don’t you mean black to red? :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hmm, you’d think in their Chinese interviews that’s what they’d say, but they actually said turn red to black.

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It’s ranked below Google Meet. I wouldn’t call that popular. And it only shows new downloads.

Actual usage isn’t even top 10.


What the hell are these people doing downloading WeChat? Well I mean I know…but it’s disappointing. I wouldn’t touch that app with a ten foot pole.

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I work in marketing and dont consider that particular source to be useful or authoritative.

You can look at historical downloads then. XHS has been in the top 5 for iOS and Android for a year. This is general downloads and am too cheap to pay to filter by age, and can be sure XHS would be higher for Gen Z

But whatever, Im not interested in playing the 1+1=5 game.

Yes the million articles about how Taiwanese youth love Xiaohongshu are all false.