Taiwan Drug Busts

They could have kept it under 5 plants and just have a bunch of people growing in apartments. Harder to detect and less harsh sentence if caught.

Yeah, the educated ones prefer insufflation.

But not that much less harsh. Didn’t they recently reduce the sentence to 3 years or 5 years or whatever? I forget the actual number, but I remember it wasn’t negligible.

In which case, if you’re going to grow it, may as well grow a decent amount.

It was no less than 1 year but not more than 5. Normally it’s 5 to life.

So grow 1 or 2, harder to detect and less sentence if caught. Also if your sentence is less than 2 years they can be suspended which mean you won’t see prison at all. And the record goes away after 5 years.

Which is about as close to decriminalization as you’re going to get for now.

But the farmers were presumably growing the 1600 plants to sell, and growing 1 or 2 isn’t useful for that. Nor is growing less than 5 plants per apartment in 400 apartments around Taiwan - more work, more expensive (grow lights etc.), more people needed and therefore more risk of somebody getting caught and telling the police about the rest.

If they’re going to do it, it doesn’t make sense to do it that way either. Better to go big, in my opinion.

They could just sell seeds and have users grow one plant. Not as much money but if marijuana ever get decriminalized or at least recategorized to lesser categories, it 0robably won’t earn nearly as much.

Besides if it’s only one plant or so you could probably just not use grow lights and somehow bring sunlight in.

I imagine that the market for people buying marijuana is a lot bigger than the number of people willing to buy seeds and grow them in their apartment for several months - that’s quite a lot of risk for the end user, given that the sentence for doing so is still pretty long.

People need to take advantage of the discount!

You used the word (honestly).
From my point of view, you are guilty.

Any foreigners hired as crop pickers?

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Pretty sad looking plants from this angle. I think they need a little drink.

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Water shortage Taiwan so guess even cannabis farmers suffer.

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It’s really sad to see the effects of the water shortage on those plants.


Not long until they all dry out, then a tiny spark is enough to start a fire.
That would be a disaster :happy_frog:


When I first saw the photo it reminded me of my old school hall. That’d be, like, the best assembly ever.

$300,000nt for a single plant. That works out to be about $10,000usd for a pound. That’s absolutely ridiculous. They need to take at least one 0 off that but they won’t because it will hit their funding. Even in the US it’s like $400-$500 a pound now.

Beyond that they completely ignore the medicinal uses of the plant. Seems pretty stupid. Almost like the religious zealots have taken too much control of government and the various bureaucracies. It’s kind of laughable how many Christians here sell alcohol but they look down on someone that smokes weed. Hypocrisy at its finest.


Same thing in Germany. Weed is illegal but alcohol is fine.
Politicians always say it is cultural for alcohol to be legal, but they need to protect the public from gateway drug cannabis!
There are many deaths from alcohol poisoning. :ok_hand:

A German minister recently warned: “Cannabis is not broccoli!” :broccoli:

That’s even dumb for politician level of thinking.


Broccoli is much more dangerous. People choke on it all the time!


:happy_frog: :broccoli: