Taiwan Independence - The case for NO!

I like this guy - he starts with the conclusion and procedes to destroy it - without noticing - maybe it is that Juba guy.

www1.chinadaily.com.cn/highlight … 82692.html

With all the continued discussion about cooperation between the PFP and the DPP, it may be possible that some DPP heavyweights will drop their insistence on “Taiwan Independence.”

Is it the general consensus that everyone wants to maintain the “status quo” ???

What is the current “status quo” anyway? Can anyone precisely define it?

[quote=“Hartzell”]With all the continued discussion about cooperation between the PFP and the DPP, it may be possible that some DPP people will drop their insistence on “Taiwan Independence.”


it’s quite possible.

My Countrymen,
The PFP is nothing more than a travesty of the political system. I find myself disgusted that the DPP would even consider working with them. However, the DPP will always call for independence, that is their pillar of political thought.
–The Defender Duke

Are some people on www.forumosa.com finally seeing the light? The rest of the 6,446,131,400 people on the planet are happy to see that progress is finally being made. The folks over at the UN will be pleased to finally hear some good news coming out of Taiwan. We (speaking for the rest of the world) thought that the few hundred or so of you on the island seriously that thought there was a chance in hell that Taiwan is/could/should be an independent country had truly lost it.

My Countrymen,
The post befoe mine displays the paramount weakness. Hopelessness or possibly its just he/she’s in love with the mainland. A Taiwan nation will come in time. I will bring it someday.
–The Defender Duke

[quote=“pres_dabien”]Are some people on www.forumosa.com finally seeing the light? The rest of the 6,446,131,400 people on the planet are happy to see that progress is finally being made. The folks over at the UN will be pleased to finally hear some good news coming out of Taiwan.

We (speaking for the rest of the world) thought that the few hundred or so of you on the island seriously that thought there was a chance in hell that Taiwan is/could/should be an independent country had truly lost it.[/quote]

Get off yourself! And learn proper grammar too.

You are the one who have truly lost it. There is always hope. Minuscale, infinitesimal, microscopic, virtually non-existent hope, but hope nontheless.