Taiwan is like

Taiwan is like a mountain railroad,
With an engineer that’s brave. . . .

Taiwan is like a humid, mildewed, dust-ball sitting in a tiled corner

Taiwan is like a grapefruit, hard and dimply on the outside, soft and squishy on the inside, and some people have half of one for breakfast.

Taiwan is like a grapefruit that got mildewed, but China kept asking for it anyway.

Taiwan is like a whirlwind love affair. It’s so easy yet dangerous to fall in love, and once you do it’s hard to break free.

Taiwan is like a wet blanket. Unpleasant at first, but once you adapt to it, it can become quite cozy.

Taiwan is like a thong. It’s not very comfortable, but damn it looks good.

Taiwan is like going to the gym…it can be tiresome at times, but being there helps you as a person in the long run if you stick to it.

I wouldn’t say that. It doesn’t bar the door…, but, it doesn’t exactly send the Welcome Wagon either. It tolerates us to varying degrees.

I wouldn’t say that. It doesn’t bar the door…, but, it doesn’t exactly send the Welcome Wagon either. It tolerates us to varying degrees.[/quote]

I started coming here 16 years ago. I don’t know if anybody remembers the guns that greeted you on arrival prior to that time.

Hong Kong airport was my first experience of police walking with sub machine guns with the muzzle pointed at the crowd at all times with their finger on the trigger guard and that was during the 90’s.

Business partner told me about Taiwan and the guns. Don’t know if they had the same ready to shoot thing going on. Point is that just because the guns are not visible now does not mean we are necessarily embraced on arrival.