I’m in the process of pursuing dual citizenship in Italy and we need to apostille our documents. One is the marriage certificate from Taiwan. But Italy does not recognize Taiwan.
I am wondering if anyone has faced a similar international documents situation and how they resolved it.
I think I can get the US Dept. of State to apostille a certified taiwan marriage certificate but I am not sure.
technically yes, but the important bit for apostille is that Taiwan does not participate to the apostille convention, so there are no apostille for TW (like it was in Chinar until a few yrs ago).
To get the marriage certificate issued in Taiwan recognised in Italy you need to get it certified via a mafan process and it changes depending on where you are.
If in Italy, too bad, you need to come back to Taiwan and get the certificate first notarised at a public notary (best if one of those recognised by the IETCPO, there is a list on their website, so you can skip the BOCA authentication) and then get it legalised by the IETCPO here in Taipei, so you can then use it in Italy. the process is detailed here
I did this process to register my marriage to a TW citizen in Italy too, so she can then apply for citizenship in 3 yrs (2 if we get a kid in the meantime). It’s a pain in the ass, and you best need to have the certificate in English, but it’s doable.
it won’t work since the Italian government needs a certification by the government of issuance of the document that the official who signed that document has the authority to do so, is not a mere certification saying the document is original. How can also the US certify as true a doc not issued by them?