"Taiwan officials talk about surveillance and built-in censorship in Xiaomi devices"

Everyone I know warns people that they have a smart speaker when I come over for the first time. I tell them that I am going to unplug the device or we are going elsewhere. They put up with me…


Just use custom firmware for OnePlus :+1:

Remember to get them to turn off their phones also, its hard to discuss state secrets with your friends these days.


Convenience of course
most people pick Convenience than security
just like people would pay cheaper products even though it’s less secure

I’ve never heard of phones producing transcripts of conversations and then sending them over to be printed on the neighbor’s printer. The worst phones do is pop up with gas station ads after someone mentions stopping for gas (still creepy as eff). The things Alexa and GoogleHome do when they think you’ve called their name and then “they” proceed to misunderstand instructions is terrifying.

Yeah, no shit. NZ’s gone full native auntie, rearranging your house while your out. How nice! If someone unplugged my smart speakers, half my house wouldn’t function properly.

You hang with a weird crowd. In 2022, I’d just assume everyone had a smart speaker.

In Taiwan? The fact that I know anyone with a smart speaker seems to be strange. Here I know two people in total (both ultra rich fake Americans) with them. In the States, far more people, sure. But anyone I’m going to visit in the US is someone that knows me well and knows I don’t tolerate wiretaps on the kitchen counter (but accept the reality that my phone is also watching me)

Yeah, a lot people use Sonos products, which have the choice of Alexa or Google assistant. Some have the Xiaomi smart speakers too. I’m sure those would really freak you out. :joy:

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Everything second hand avoids giving the ccp more cash…

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I dont. Nor do nearly all of our friends or family.

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My extended family is the opposite. Brother-in-law and sister-in-law both have them, but they don’t really integrate them into a smart home like I do. I can’t imagine not having multi-room music, lighting, doorbell, security camera and electronics control that are voice supported. It would be a huge step backwards in comfort and convenience once you get used to it.

Its cool if you like it. Dont get me wrong, i am not shitting on your choices. But other people got along perfectly fine before these devices existed with comfort and convenience. We wired a boss house 20 years ago with sound that hooked up to his stereo. Worked so well he could swap for a wifi unit now and still have physical access throughout the house. Its not hard, nor expensive. Additionally many people are aware of data recording, that is a reality, and feel having data stolen/leaked is exactly the opposite of convenient and comfortable. Especially if we enter into the realm of CCP china (nevermind all the other potentials). It seems innocent enough now to people who trust everyone in a white ford van giving kids free candy…but no thanks.

I dont need to wait til we become the next hong kong or my dick is recorded or etc etc to realize maybe the cost to my (i wont say rights to privacy anymore) privacy and freedom is worth simply having 2 extra buttons or some extra wire in the walls.

I dont have friends like @nz (unfortunately) that are polite enough to warn people about the bug in their house they intentionally paid money for. Kudos to them for saying something. His/her friends arent weird, they are respectful. Those recording speakers should come with a sticker on them warning you, not unlike cigarette products warn you about their dangers.

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