I’m trying to find out what TPP is other that their buzz words.
They say they want to care for the poor , bring down housing costs , a pragmatic relationship with China.
The DPP says the TPP don’t have any actual policies , so I decided to check out their page , and actually apart from lots of buzz words “Inclusivity” “Housing prices and rents” I could not find one policy.
I got bored reading the page after a while , so probably the DPP was spot on. The PFP sounds good but does anyone know an actual solid measurable policy they have ?
The TPP seems very much at this time a vehicle for former Taipei City mayor Ko. And here I saw an interesting anecdoate about how Ko does things, from Ian Rowen’s feed on the site formerly known as twitter:
In 2014, a Sunflower friend asked me to help independent mayoral candidate Ko Wen-je prepare his 1st English language speech. It was a low-stakes adaptation of the TEDx Taipei talk on life and death that made his name, to be delivered to international students at NCCU 政大.
So I showed up and cleaned Ko’s slides and coached him. The next day after his flat af talk he asked me how he did. I mustered every muscle I could to flatter him and said, “還不錯 Not bad.” He replied, incredulously: 還不錯而已?是非常好的!Not bad? It was fantastic!
While all of life and politics seems to be a game to Ko, and he is a fairly fast learner when it comes to tasks with short time horizons, his constitutive inability to listen, reflect, or feel bodes ill for all.
It’s like if you are going to buy a car and let’s say the customer says “What’s the miles per gallon?” The salesman then waffles on about it being great compared to other models of that size. When asked again “So what is the actual MPG in numbers ?” He says “Excellent mileage”.