Taiwan pet population increase

Continuing the discussion from Taiwan population decline:

Fur babies need more hospitals in Taiwan.


It’s what happens when they elect a cat as president…


This is what happens when an entire generation has been sheltered and lives at home until they are 40.



Also interesting how the government used to hint at more animal rights, shutting down puppy mills etc. Banning imports of exotics. The pet trade has never been more profitable and horrible than it is today.


I really wonder what the overall population number of cats and dogs is in Taiwan. Of course, will never know as so many are not registered and so many new birth additions every year. Here in the countryside we often joke that dogs and cats outnumber people.

Low birthrate; get a pet instead. Treat the pet like you are its butler. Never have children yourself… get an additional pet…


I admit I was surprised by how many pets I see college students carting back and forth on the train. We often take train which is used by alot of university students. Cats, dogs and bunnies. Seen alot. When I was a student did not have the energy to take care of a pet…nor the extra money. I do wonder if the pets live are allowed in dorm rooms.

Cats are easy, they take care of themselves. All you have to do is ensure food and water is available, and litter is clean. You might need to de flea every so often.

Otherwise they’re basically low maintenance pet, and they offer benefit like keeping your home critter free, and furry pillow like cat that is really comfortable and all that…