Taiwan population decline

That doesn’t mean anything. Macroeconomics do not increase natality. Singapore’s GDP per capita is one of the highest in the world and their birth rate is just as low, if not lower.

Yeah but they have immigrants.
And they aren’t about to be wiped out by an angry neighbour .
Taiwan needs to wake the f up.
Im a long term resident here,I have a very comfortable life and well adapted but I have serious reservations about staying due to big bad China next door .

Add in a shitty education system… why bother ?
My family have a lot to lose if the equation goes wrong. What happens if China starts firing a couple of missiles ?
(I know a bit off topic but Taiwanese are kind of sleep walking a lot of stuff right now ).

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You are contradicting yourself.

Higher incomes + Higher subsidies = more children.

BTW, Taiwan Luthiers posted some article saying the English schools are bursting at the seams because of covid refugees.

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Another piece on Taiwan clapping on their own shoulder, while the statistics show this is not enough.
And again nothing on immigration policy.


Yes, that was comment odd about Indian people. Know some nice guys& gals from India here in Kao City (mostly from visiting their cafes) More and more places to try

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Experts say a country’s fertility rate has long-term consequences for its economy. If Taiwan’s birth rate continues to decline, it may hinder economic growth and pose a challenge to the nation’s social security system.

(EDIT for clarity: the below was posted as a response to what had been the beginning of a new thread; it’s now been merged. Thanks @Slawa!)

Note there are already a bunch of threads on this - here’s one of the more recently active ones:



Didn’t you hear that the government will raise monthly child-raising subsidy from NT$3500 to NT$5,000 starting in August 2022? Problem Solved!


Discussion on that article started here:


What is this 3500? For preschool kids?

I imagine a wizard prophesying to the king in 1300 AD about the dangers of the population- in 2020.
Population then- 5,000,000.
Population now- 75,000,000 (North and South, covering the same area).
Would he have predicted such a massive growth was possible?
Set your sights on the end of this century at the maximum.

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Taiwan population growth decline <= Isn’t it all for the better? With the 勞健保 going bankrupt, automation, out sourcing, lower quality of education that people’s been complaining, power shortage, water shortage, etc. Might as well produce less babies and make sure they get better education instead. Can we even afford a bigger population on this island anyway?

If there is any silver lining in this trend, it is they surely will have to open up immigration to outsiders rather than just granting citizenship to priests that have served for 60 years and taking a very rigid approach to others.


No, it’s not. Fewer workers supporting more old people. Not sustainable.

That would be true if every single worker has the exact same ability in financial, physical, or any other aspects. One 郭台銘 could obviously support more families than one me. That’s why education matters.

It’s the blue-collared jobs that are bleeding most for people.

95% of Taiwanese already have bachelor degrees or higher. That’s par for course in East Asia. The variability in ability in Taiwan isn’t that great.

That’s why I said “low quality education”. If you’ve met those people with a “bachelor degree” from so called 學店, you’d know that’s just a waste of time and money. Those people could only find a job barely above minimum wage, many of them are doing the jobs that don’t require a bachelors degree. Imo there’s no point producing more students like this. Fewer students means they got a chance for better education, since they would have more resources.

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What? Have you seen salaries for construction workers and machinists? They’re going through the roof!