Taiwan population decline

I lived in Taipei for 25 years. No problem finding nice places for under 20K.

If the mortgage is under 20K, why not?
No problem then.

We need to stop talking like wages will remain low forever.

20 years might aswell be forever!

i did a search on 591. 20k limit, taipei, 4 bedrooms.
4 results.

1.rooftop addition

2.rooftop addition, and in wanhua.

3. grotty

4. grotty and in she zi.

Not sure what you are smoking!


You might be talking about the very outskirts of New Taipei City.
You also need to qualify how big.
In Xindian now a lot of places are 25k, 30k.
You have to go out to Ankeng to get cheaper really .
Which isn’t terribly far but it’s not like the old days .

What’s the rents in Tamshui like. When we looked recrntky I thought that was the best value but I decided I didn’t like the narrow tamshui MRT corridor and the old town. The new town is OK but a bit remote and empty.

The main problem is not the rental prices but the grottiness of the rentals in the Taipei metro area. But I digress.

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I never used rental sites, just looked and asked around. Last place was walking distance from Sunshine Park, three huge balconies, four bedrooms, gated entrance and an underground parking spot. All nice and well-cared for. 20K

About a year ago I moved into one of my own properties, but I might rent again in Taipei once my second oldest finishes high school. I’m moving to the country, maybe Hualien, once all my kids are out of school.

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You’re talking about Ankeng ? That’s a nice park ,but access from Ankeng is a bit troubling in terms of walking and cycling for kids unfortunately. Very badly planned and designed and cut up by roads. What are they thinking at all sometimes. No safe way for kids to get to it.
Will be better with the tramline.
Otherwise I may have moved there too. Yeah I’m not a fan of Northern Taiwan cities at all.



Guy is one of those snobby Taipei people who doesn’t know the good spots in the suburbs. :grin:

Always happy to learn. :grin:


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We don’t need your type c’ming round here Guy. Gentrifying us up with your hilife vanilla lattes and instant binglang.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Yeah, getting the bikes to the park is a pain cause the roads but great once you’re inside.

Getting around by scooter or car was easy though. Little back road right to the Bitan Bridge and you’re in Hsintien.

It’s really an indictment of poor government to be honest. Also locals who are very passive in improving the environment for their families . Joined up thinking ! But that’s life here. One slow step at a time. Great park and cycleways know it well.

We’d always ride the bikes to IKEA for chili dogs and ice cream and then head back home.

That reminds me, the building had a sheltered area for parking bikes near the pool which was convenient.

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Put this on bulletin boards in every university in India.

Thats happening in the west now as well. A lot of adult kids are moving back in with the parents. A side effect of low salaries and extreme inflation in costs and housing.
And the result is manchildren.


Yep, as a tech guy not every immigrant has to be special skilled or rich. The son / daughter of a low skill immigrant can be tomorrow’s innovator. but it’s already lost now. they should’ve made changes 5-10 years ago.

Drastic policy that’s really needed here. + improving english speaking. Sad how are a safe, somewhat developed country missed that.

I have said that too on another post. But too late now.

The reasons Asian countries are apprehensive about dual citizenship is due to the history of imperialism. Once you guys are cognizant of that concept, you will stop banging your heads against the wall.

Yes but i think there’s a difference, at least in my country england, if you move back in with your parents and you want to go halves on a deposit for a house (with your partner) it’s actually doable to save for it in a decent time frame. in taiwan how long would that take? 15-20 years?
Western parents don’t do the coddling thing in the same way either from my experience.

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Hmmm! As if “the west” hasn’t been involved in that game!

Regarding the reluctance of governments in Asia to do immigration: I wonder how the jus sanguinis / jus soli distinction fits? Most nations (not all) that have actual immigration policies base notions of citizenship on the latter and not on some putative “blood line”…
