Taiwan population decline

The West played the game, the East was the victim.

Which East Asian country has more lax immigration than Taiwan?

Japan, Korea? Not even close.

China, HK, Singapore?

Singapore has kept its Chinese majority constant around 75% its entire history.

Of course “the west” played that game.

I would also like to add to your knowledge base Chinese empire and Japanese empire, which have also affected—and continue to affect—many people, including people in Taiwan.

In short, I don’t think “history of imperialism” is the key variable driving (a lack of an) immigration policy in Asia.



Which country in the world is like Taiwan ?

There’s the only answer you need…You love Taiwan but love the West more.

Anyway Taiwan of all places doesn’t need to be bound by looking in the past or imaginings of the past.

Taiwan and Taiwanese have an existential problem and they need to wake the fuck up . They should have noticed by now that China isn’t hanging around.


These guys will have their own demographic troubles to deal with…


The western countries were also occupied by other Western countries. And back then they weren’t democracies either . This is all stuff that happened hundreds of years ago !
Basically irrelevant to now.


I mean China wants to take Taiwan over using force.
Taiwan better make sure it’s not the next HK, Tibet or Crimea . To help prevent that they should open up citizenship and immigration. I’m not fighting for a country that won’t give me citizenship fair and square. I’m not even going to hang around !


Or Genghis Khan, or Tamerlane, or Muhammed. The Egyptians and Persians had empires. Etc, etc…

It is strangely fashionable to blame the West for all the ills of the world, but it really only works if one has some serious blinders on with regard to human history.


West of here is Russia and China . :sunglasses::grin:


I’m sure a bunch of immigrants from southeast Asia are going to deter China (immigrants from anywhere else would be a rounding error).

Point right over your head.

To help prevent China taking over Taiwan needs all the help and levers it can get. Obviously this is just one part of a total policy. I don’t think Taiwan’s govt is playing a good enough game right now. They need to step up their game big time and make some big moves ! They don’t need to ’ announce ’ them but they need to make them…You are talking into exactly the same trap if thinking too small.
.Why do immigrants from somewhere else have to be a rounding error ?


Why not, ‘Taiwan population decline growth?’ :thinking:

Historically this didn’t stop the CCP from seizing Shanghai.

I don’t think these guys actually care. They just want the strategic advantages of controlling this land, to hell with the people who happen to be there (see Xinjiang and Tibet for variations on this theme).


Yes I know all that.

But it’s a total war they are waging. The less people in Taiwan to make noise the better for China. That’s why they always try to restrict Taiwan participating or companies putting separate operations here and countries putting diplomats here.

Taiwan has to make a choice, if it wants to remain as ‘little China’ then it’s just going to be absorbed into China.


Someone asking the right questions here!


Acceleration is more apt.

Because there wouldn’t be very many?

Now. But not if they opened the floodgates. Or even just started allowing people to settle here.
Taiwan needs these people anyway it’s just crazy they get thrown out after six or twelve years! Two birds with one stone !

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Where do you think they would come from? India? Africa? I don’t think the locals are apt to throw their arms open, plus the countries that could deter China wouldn’t care if people from those countries got caught in the crossfire.
The West? Europe, the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand all have too high standards of living- not just money, but opportunities and environment- to supply many immigrants to Taiwan.

Well first of all SEA obviously. Low hanging fruit… And us foreigners who want to get citizenship.
You are right that it’s not an obvious immigration target for many except those with existing links or needing the work in factories etc.
That’s when we put on our thinking caps…