Taiwan’s Labor Crunch Threatens Precarious Economic Recovery and Eateries (per economic news)

Yes that’s the point. That’s why democracies don’t have pro-immigration parties. It’s not a strong position. You usually have anti-immigration and then roughly ambivalent

True if 100 million thoroughly documented professionals with no criminal record enter the US legally but not true if 100 million desperate strangers slip across America’s border with who knows what a past.

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I would hazard its a deficiency in norminally democratic societies. In a real democracy people are sufficiently informed and minimally exploited (and misled) so they would know which side of their bread is buttered, and whats what on the immigration scene.

Criminality is a matter of inclination, skill and circumstance (incentives, laws). I doubt there is a populace that is inherrently criminal.

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That would cause a brain drain so severe that it would lead to a global depression. 100 million is a lot of people, especially if it has to be documented professionals.

No such people have to be trained from the ground up. It will cost money but it’s worth it.

Also criminal record doesn’t explain inclination. Almost all school shootings are committed by people with no criminal record.

It’s why Singapore could become what it is and attract global talent and investment

I’m not saying that US should or could bring in another 100 million people, just that immigration is a tough and complex issue and not one that wins votes

You could get 20 million Indian engineers and tech workers tomorrow if you offered them citizenship


You could, but it would be catastrophic for India. That’s a huge amount of brain drain.

Immigration laws today is predatory, basically it encourages brain drains.

Ethical issues arise as well when you consider the shortages created in the country of origin.

We could also propose that the USA is developed precisely because of skills in engineering and tech and other sector skills as well. Should those othet sector skills not be brought in as well? If not, why is the country having a market failure in engineering and tech? If it is a market failure, chances immigration will continue being a recurrent issue in the same sectors.

Also you need workers in hospitality and other unskilled work. If you import too many skilled workers there will be no jobs available and those skilled workers will end up working unskilled work, which is a huge waste of resource as well as causing the kind of job disruptions that people fear. So for every skilled worker you bring in you should bring in unskilled worker as well if the country has a shortage of those.

Also current immigration policies basically favors illegal immigration, which Republicans have no problem with, because it just means cheap labor with absolutely no protection whatsoever.

100 million strangers flooding across America’s southern border are bound to contain a few bad apples:

Ok the U.S. could extend the green card lottery scheme to allow 100 million people over five years

This wasn’t the point was making, rather that it’s difficult for any politician to be pro immigration in a normal democracy. Even the left is usually anti anti-immigration

This is inflamatory language though, which mischaracterises Southern American migration. All migrants are all technically strangers, unless following family. In the 1790 census about 97% of population was of historically European origin, and I doubt they were characterised as floods of immigrant strangers. Immigration seems to have become a problem round about the time people from south america took a keen interest in the north. Have a look at the figures from the wiki Immigration to the United States - Wikipedia

I doubt the local residents are all angels and saints. :laughing:

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Nevermind political feasibility, that proposal by Matt Iglesias (or whoever) isn’t even practical. You can’t absorb 100 million that short of time and make them loyal Americans.

Allowing Taiwanese dining businesses to hire foreign labor, that’s politically doable. People are feeling the sting of the labor shortage, and Tsai has favored businesses interests.

Don’t even know that proposal

Graduates from IIT, India’s top tech school, have trouble finding work in Indian. Tsmc is hiring them.

I wonder what kind of picture could emerge if we plotted the graph according to worldwide (all manner of) deaths by nationality of perpetrator :laughing:

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Taiwan should hold Diwali celebrations at the Presidential office. They already do at Mediatek, ASUS, and TSMC company parties.

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I still prefer a labour market with less workers, than the other way round.

Bosses can compete to attract workers, for once in their lives.

I know it means some businesses will stagnate, but that’s life.

If this continues, the manager class might have to start treating their workers with respect.

The Horror.

This is happening all over the world, by the way.

Zoom out and look at the History of Humanity.

For millenia, there have been more workers than jobs,

If workers are seen as disposable, it can lead to all kinds of abuses.

Now the manager class may have to change it’s attitude.

This goes deeper than hourly rate, though that has a lot to do with it.

What young person wants to spend 8 hours a day frying cabbage and oil dumplings for a life-hating snob? That’s a terrible existence.

In the tech market… it’s no secret any more that Taiwanese management can be classist and just-under-the-radar racist…

If you come and work here, even in the technology sector, you’ll just be considered a foreign loser who can’t get a job in his own country. Never mind that you studied Taoism since you were 17. Never mind that you are deeply fascinated by Chinese herbal medicine, meditation, Buddhism… nvm that your Chinese is passable and improving…

Look at that guy HongKoWei… or whatever his name was. He invested his life and soul into the island, and the language. They wouldn’t give him the time of day.

No sir… if you work here, You = Loser.

Not that I care about what they think…

Expats talk to each other.

Even if you sign a Non Disparagement Agreement when you leave… you’re going to get drunk in the pub and break it. Or get a sock account on Glassdoor and tell the truth.

Even the “hahaha Im_not_an_English_Teacher crowd” admit that they’re having a terrible time under Taiwanese management.

You’re going to be working under a rich kid who probably got the job because he’s in the Eyes Wide Shut party club. He won’t listen to anything you say, and will just do things his own way.

So… why bother?

Taipei is a cool place to live, but most people suffer really badly under incompetent supervisors.

Im not having a go at my current boss. I got really lucky 5 years ago, and found a good place…

But most people are suffering really badly.

The management class, worldwide, has been blindsided by the labour shortage.

They’re not going to change their born-to-rule attitude overnight.

They’ll just import workers just so they can treat them like cattle. I hate management class in taiwan too.