Taiwan Taxes

I’m wondering if anyone knows if foreigners will be allowed to file there taxes this year via the Internet? If my memory serves me right last year they said this year we would be allowed to do that. If we can, can someone point us to a webpage or give us some information about this.


I was down at the National Tax Administration’s Taipei Office yesterday. Here is what they told me: (1) ROC income taxes are to be filed by the end of May, (2) husband and wife must file a joint return, (3) you can file via the internet and there is no need to attach the copies of your withholding statement(s), (4) you have to go to this website and get a number first:

That is what they told me, but I haven’t had a chance to check out the website yet!


From what I read last year the first year you are married you have the option of filing single or joint, but only the first year. Has this changed?

Richard is there any new information on this? I’m still wondering about filing jointly or single for the first year of marriage.


Has any foreigner successfully filed their taxes via http://www.pki.gov.tw?

The website is not particularly user friendly. You can “Apply for certification”, “Download certification” and on and on but, at first glance, I don’t see any pointers to what you need to do.

My company has provided the downloaded software to enable online filing (which I suspect is exactly what’s on that website) but it seems you need a Taiwan ID no. to make it work (ARC / passport no. won’t do).

So, save me time and tell me if I should perservere with http://www.pki.gov.tw


Yes it can be done, but only if you are filing at least your second return.
If thisd is your second return then using the tax payers id no, which should be 2 alpha digits followed by 8 numerics should do the trick

how to you know your tax payer’s id though? I filed (for the 2nd time) in person today and was told to leave that space on the form blank as the “computer would assign” it.

so I’m none the wiser for next year.

I have been told to use the same id number as i was allocated the previous year. Worked for me.

Mind you, have not got the refund yet, but checked with them today and the filing is ok, so have to wait and see

Last week I went in to file and they turned me away becausue I could not prove I was studying for the first 2 years in Taiwan. The tax person make some marks and put her name on it saying I should just go straight to her when I come back.

Now it’s late because I could not get the info in time. I hope I can convince her I should not be fined since I “attempted” to pay tax before the 31st.

Will keep you posted

I had that problem (porving that I was studying my first year when I didn’t file a return). I called my school on the spot, passed the phone to her and she asked the secretary at the school to fax something through and it was cool.



When I called the tax office they told me that because I was a forienger I could not use the http://www.pki.gov.tw? website to file my taxes. I had to go in person as before.
After I flied in person, they said I would be notifed in three months to come get my refund.
