Taiwan to lift ractopamine restrictions

Do what ? Why do they need to satisfy you.

Taiwanese don’t want it imported. They don’t want it as an option for restaurants to use. They don’t want to have to go through the process of researching what restaurants are using it.

The labelling laws and fines here are not clear and the dpp rejected changing them.

YOU don’t care, but others do.

This is the point

Ok! We’ll see if they care so much to do something about it.

Do what ? There have been protests for a decade and every opinion poll for a decade has been clear on this issue.

Why do they have to satisfy you. People mostly won’t buy the pork, but that’s not the point. They quite clearly didn’t want it at all.

The KMT are useless opposition and can’t represent the will of the people while they are so aligned with Beijing. Nobody wants to go on a kmt protest.

This is a bad state for Taiwan politics

Why you keep talking about my alleged satisfaction?

There’s nothing to satisfy.

What do you want to see? What would you like them to do ? They can’t vote for the opposing party. This is the problem

Nothing. Nothing at all. You are harping over that this is a ‘deeply’ unpopular issue and continue to press on this, especially the opinion poll as gospel.

I’m just sayin we’ll see. If this is so deeply unpopular and important to the masses, then we’ll see the actions the consumers take.

But they don’t want to take action.

Then that doesn’t sound like it is a very important issue then. I’m glad we could agree.

They don’t anyway. So I don’t waste my time for one second believing that they do. Or haul my ass to vote for someone I’m gonna hate in a month

Of course! Our demographic has the lowest turnout. Farmers vote. That’s why they get the subsidies and goodies.

Take what action? For you its not important but you seem to be disinterested in what Taiwanese want. For you its a freedomof choice issue, but for Taiwanese it’s not. Again you are disinterested.

And unless they take over government buildings, they are need to shut up and go on with their lives.

If this is truly an important issue, consumers will put their money where their mouths are.

Or you are saying they want mummy to fix all their issues and bring all the trade money to Taiwan while giving up nothing in negotiations. If so, i gotta bridge to sell :rofl:

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They don’t want the import of ractopmaninr and do want trade. If they have to give something up, they want it explained clearly

Well. Tough shit then. People cant have both. The US has said this is their red line.

Yeah? Please go on.

Then the communication should have been “we are hopeful to x % of getting a trade deal with the US, it has been communicated that this is a bottom line for beginning negotiations and have been assured of we do this formal talks will take place. I know this is an unpopular decision, but please be understanding”.

What Tsai did was just bring in the executive action that started a week later.


OK are u sure;?

Doesn’t say redline, it says what they want. In a negotiation, people want to know what is the implication of a very unpopular concession.

This is the pertinent point. Even the KMT say they are OK with the import of US pork of it leads to a trade deal. What people want is transparency or even just a basic roadmap to getting a deal.

Right now it’s just vagueness. Again I don’t think was a red line, I think Tsai panicked and is desperate to align herself to Washington and do something to please them. People can be sympathetic to this strategy but she owes the public discussion and transparency.

I wonder why the hard lobby , In Pingtung people wonder why big business targets small farmers.