Taiwanese citizen married a filipina with a working visa in USA

Hi Good day!

I need some advice or maybe your relate my situation. Just recently I married a taiwaness guy, and he is in taiwan right now, and me here in the US holding working visa. I am filipina. My question is how can i invite him going here to the US?
Maybe do you have any suggestion or advice.
Thank you so much.

An H1-B visa holder lawfully residing in the United States, gainfully employed via their H1-B visa, and legitimately married to their spouse (not a fraudulent marriage or marriage intended for the sole purpose of immigration into the United States or it’s territories) may apply for an H4spousal visa.

I am not a lawyer and if you have further questions regarding specifics to your case it is my strong suggestion that you contact a law firm specializing in immigration processing as rules and the interpretation thereof may change based on policy, law, or emergency declarations as it applies to your case