Taiwanese Citizenship and Renunciation

What about the year you have to renounce your original citizenship? you still need a work permit?

I had some time off yesterday after visiting a bank and decided to apply for a Taiwan passport just for fun and as a symbolic gesture that I am almost there.

People were running around in circles when I said I wanted to apply for a passport until I showed them my certificate of naturalization. One of the ladies marked the places that I needed to fill out on the application form but once I went to the window they asked me to fill the entire thing including my home country’s address. I said I have been living in Taiwan for 15 years now, I do not have an address back home. The lady said to write any address of anyone I might know back home.

Turns out the certificate of naturalization wasn’t enough, luckily I was carrying the other piece of paper that says more info about me including my original passport number and they used that compared to my original passport to give me a ROC passport. Can pick it up Friday afternoon but I am obviously not in a rush.


LOL. Hope you get one of the new ones.

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I have delivered my authenticated, translated and notarized letter that I can’t renounce my original citizenship to HRO. They will send to MOI and should receive a confirmation letter later on.

They gave me a piece of paper with the instructions on what to do after the 365-day lockdown in order to get the Taiwanese ID. The lady said: hope to see you next year and try not to go abroad in the meantime.


Good on you for taking that extra step applying for your NWOHR passport :clap: even though it’s technically useless as it doesn’t have an ID number on it but you can flash it around when locals start “doubting” your Nationality :rofl:

Congratulations, you are now at the doorstep and just need to wait there for 365 days before you can ring the doorbell… Will wait for another big update from you in about a year’s time. :+1:


I wasn’t gonna apply for it but got tired of banks asking for my passport when updating my info so I am waiting on the last 2 to show them that instead and see their reaction. Wife wasn’t too happy about wasting money on a passport I probably won’t ever use (although my home country accepts the NWOHR passport).

Well, I still need to wait for the letter from MOI accepting my dual nationality :grimacing:


Got the passport today :slight_smile:


I’m eager to know the reactions you’ll get when going to the banks!


Went to Fubon today but they didn’t ask to see my passport! FML lol


What?! They didn’t follow the procedures?


I know! I was like: “do you need to see my passport?”. He replied: “不用”.

I was instantly crushed.


I’m so sorry you had to go thru this terrible dilemma of not getting the opportunity to flash your new “我是台灣人” booklet at their smug faces! Worry not O’brave knight, your time to shine will come soon! :v:


Now I am imagining him pressing the book in their faces in anger.


That is what I would do if I had a local passport/id but Dios no le da alas al animal ponzoĂąoso.


Hope so, specially with this lockdowns and working from home… I need someone to troll lol

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I will get my revenge!

I am running out of places to show it off… next one will get the wrath of Zeus! lol


My Taiwanese nationality has been fully approved now that they accepted the letter from my embassy saying I cannot renounce my original nationality.

Received a called from HRO agent yesterday and received a letter from them today as well.

Now its just a matter of waiting until next year for full citizenship.


Now how do I get Canada and Italy to agree to send me such a letter?

hmmm :thinking:


I know an Italian who became Taiwanese keeping the Italian citizenship. Apparently you swear to give it up but there is no such system in place to take it away so you keep your citizenship until there is a law that fixes that.