Taiwanese gold diggers

Btw, what kind of doctor is she?
Hospital or private clinic?

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She could be self taught. Lot of people around these days who are medical experts even though never set foot in medical school.


I thinks itā€™s hot/cold tea alternating

Maybe she is just a podiatrist

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OP you should do what this guy did

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My 2cents: it seems to be a popular thing now for women to use dating apps as a sort of upmarket food-stamps programme. Their main goal is just to get free meals in exchange for looking pretty. Iā€™m not sure if she was a gold-digger or a fraud as such, most likely just a spoiled girl playing this new game.

Just take the lead and pick the venue, and pay for it. In Taiwan, you pay the bill; thatā€™s just the way it is. If she suggests an expensive place, itā€™s a red flag anyway; if she gets sniffy when you bid her downwards to a coffee shop, youā€™ve already saved yourself some effort. If she turns up and is clearly unimpressed about not getting a free lunch, well, same (positive) outcome.

What would I do in that situation? Iā€™d try not to be in that situation, but if it became clear that I screwed up, Iā€™d just pay the bill without any fuss and call it a day. I mean, thereā€™s no point getting upset about it if you had a good meal, even if you dropped 2500 on the daft bint whoā€™s taking you for a ride. Lesson learned, stay classy, move on. And TBH itā€™s hard to get even an average meal out for two in Taipei for less than 1000 these days. Last time I went to a ē†±ē‚’ it was about 1500.

Bottom line is that anyone looking to ā€˜dateā€™ should be interested primarily in you. If it seems that the outcome of the date is dependent on how much money you spend, itā€™s obviously going nowhere.


Yes, and in Taiwan (in many places in General) women want date someone higher status than them so maybe her way to see if your that. I might go on a date with a doctor but just a date, as long term the relationship will be troublesome not meeting her status. (I am not a high status doctor)


You pick the restaurant, not her. :slight_smile:

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It might have been a scam from the very beginning. I still probably would have paid - but that is a horrible feeling.

Lesson: Suggest a cafe, not a restaurant. Then you pay for cake and tea/coffee. But beware of some ā€œtea housesā€ that she suggests. Just brand name cafe brands or those coffee shops that you know!

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Is that a typo in the article? Only TWD 15000 for a diamond engagement ring?

Likely lab grown diamond

Isnā€™t it supposed to be like 3.5 months salary or something?

That is what God told Moses

Is a $5000 BD dinner expensive?

Was that intended to be a reply to me?

Nowhere in the Bible does it say that.

It seems the 3 month rule was created by marketing teams to sell more expensive diamond rings.

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Butā€¦do you have any gold to be digged?

Why would I tell some rando on the internet?

I think that is a no.
ā€¦ but of course we will never know because you wonā€™t tell strangers on the internet.
Although NTD5000 is not a cheap dinner for two. It is not an outrageous price either, certainly not something that any well established guy would over think about.

Generally, I think for more ā€œtraditionalā€ folks (men and women) anywhere, the expectation is the man pays. Otherwise, the person doing the inviting should expect to pay. So who asked who out?

Itā€™s also probably a bit premature to declare someone a gold digger based on one experience thatā€™s potentially just mismatched expectations.

ā€œsupposed to beā€. :laughing: only if youā€™ve been brainwashed by debeers.


I would have told the lady that I would expect her to pay her own share before going, especially if I was given the name of the restaurant, did my research about the restaurant and I knew I would prefer not to pay the whole bill.
People go on blind dates because of many reasons. Is this lady good looking? Are you good looking and a good match to her in appearance? If not, ask yourself why would a pretty lady want to go on a blind date with you? If you are a good match to her in appearance, you should have the confidence telling her to pay her share BEFORE you agree to go to an expensive restaurant. Itā€™s better to say it upfront if you donā€™t want to date a gold digger or anyone close to that, unless you have other intentions (ie, faulsely impress her to get her in bed with you).