Taiwanese gold diggers

Even better if you don’t need to pay.

Objectively well played from her side. Game theory at its best, make him pay for a free fancy meal and never see him again.

The lady maximized her wins - very coldly calculated - but I can see the logic.


But not well played from his side. I wonder why.

Eager for some action maybe? :thinking:

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Asian…most women around the world !

It’s very expensive for a first date.
In fact it’s a very expensive meal in Taiwan for two people.


That’s correct.
There’s an app called ipair that works very much along those lines doesn’t it. The man has to offer to pay, they say what they will pay for and then the suitors line up lol. This is literally mainstream in Taiwan and considered totally normal.

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On a positive note, gold digger and psycho xiaojie usually not inclusive.
If you got a gold digger, almost certain she is not psycho xiaojie.

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Blood could only flow either to the brain or the little bro.
When brain have no blood, thinking taken over by lil’bro.


Do the girls say what the boys get in return?


There are other websites for that.

Ego boost?

I did not know this.

Every time I think the world has reached rock bottom, someone just goes ahead and proves me wrong.

I am just incredibly glad that I didn’t have to cope with this sort of nonsense before I got old and ugly.


You meant you are married? :smile:

Yup, well and truly out of the dating (cess)pool.

First date … coffee shop or a walk in the park (maybe library with the weather what it is)… not dinner. And agree if you let her pick restaurant that is mistake #1.

I recommend literally telling her “This restaurant seems a bit pricey, not sure I would be at ease there for a casual meal. Let us go here (insert more reasonably priced alternative)”.

And yeah you pay on a date, but you should really just go on 1-2 dates before closing the deal. So that’s one coffee and one reasonably-priced lunch and then next time take her to a hotel.

You’re married?


Why does everyone find this somehow surprising? Is it because I is black?

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You have never mentioned her



It’s just never been relevant to the conversation. Aren’t we all just a bunch of crusty middle-aged married blokes here?