So, apparently Taiwanese people like to use English letters as words (eg A means to steal, QQ means something chewy, etc.). Does anyone have a list of the meaning of all of these terms?
A Pian means XXX movie.
Q means cute.
I thought QQ meant “to cry” … ie, 哭哭. I could well be wrong though … I can’t even keep up with teenage slang in English.
GY: obtuse, annoying, a pain in the arse
G: chicken
K: to hit (我真想K他!) - I think this might just be a mainland thing - anyone confirm?
AV: Also means an X-rated movie (from English via Japanese, I think: Adult Video)
LKK: an old fart (from Taiwanese)
There are also text/MSN abbreviations such as:
TMD: 他媽的 (tāmāde!) shit!
GG, G8 and B: I’ll leave you to work these out by yourself. Naughty words I’m sure I shouldn’t know…
Brendon: When I hear QQ it’s about food - especially pliable chewy things like muaji. Not saying you’re wrong, I’ve just not seen it as “cry” before.
I guess that would explain the “QQ球” things they had in McDonalds for a while. Man, I was so pissed when they stopped selling those.
QQ, so I’ve heard, comes from Taiwanese khiu khiu 糗糗 which means “chewy” or “rubbery texture”
“QQde” is Taiwanese for curly hair, hence curly fries.
Call yerselfs furreners.
“3Q” = ‘sankyu’ = thank you!
Chris, that’s a great bit of information. I always suspected that there was a character for “QQ”, and looking up 糗 in the MOE online dictionary, it does give “黏在一起” (stick together) as a definition. In the online Taiwanese-Mandarin dictionary 台文華文線頂辭典, it gives 糗 as being pronounced “khiu” (or Q), and has a definitions ranging from elastic (彈), to sticky (黏), to soft (綿).
They say that here too. Or at least the Chinese teacher at my school who is the mother of two of the most obnoxious students here… I hear her saying that all the time… right before she pulls her boy into the back for a good thumping.
Qoo is used in Japan to mean cool. Qoo is transliterated in Chinese as 酷兒 (kù ér). It evokes images of “cool kid” since 酷 (kù) is a transliteration of the English word cool and 兒 (ér) means ‘child’ or ‘son’. However, 酷兒 also happens to be the same transliteration as has been adopted for the English word queer referring to sexual orientation or gender identity.
KEW is used in Japan to mean cute. Kewpie dolls (click here)
Kids use 881 to say goodbye.
Those are the ones I really want to know
I have a feeling I shouldn’t ask my Taiwanese friends what they mean, though…
[quote=“katy”] LP: man’s genitals ( don’t use it)
GB: woman’s genitals (don’t use it)[/quote]
Yes,its rude to use them.
OBS:From Japanese. old woman.
AKS 會氣死(Taiwanese) very angry
BALA 芭樂、機車、俗濫
CD 西低 是的 yes
DT 豬頭 stupid
EDD 一滴滴、一點點 a little
FBI 粉悲哀 very sad
And 886
We’re all familiar with the misuse of vs. in Taiwan. Whereas versus means “against” or “in opposition to” in English, in Taiwan it means “with”. I’ve seen other examples of English words with special Taiwanese usage that I have no inkling of. PK for instance. What the hell does that mean. It usually shows up not in sentence form, but on TV news shows when one politician is being compared or contrasted or is in opposition with another politician. I’ve asked several Taiwanese what it means, and no one has a clue, which isn’t a surprise to me, but I’m curious. Does anyone know?
I hadn’t seen that use of vs., which is obviously wrong.
But, and only slightly OT, my wife and I were discussing the TOEIC last night and trying to figure out what the letters stood for. Our best guess was Test Of English Instead of Chinese.
What does the apostrophe in X’mas stand for?
I think the origin of PK is penalty kick, PK sai4 meaning penalty shootout at the end of a world cup football game. One player against the goalie. Therefore I would say PK in Taiwan means duel.
good call.
On television I constantly see telephone numbers for the show listed as “Call Out:” rather than the appropriate “Call In:”.
Just another example of ‘Taiwanese initiative!’