Taiwanese soap aversions

It is pretty unreal. Not male specific so far as I have seen. During the whole covid thing, many a place just didn’t let people wash their hands all together. It really is a mystery…the oxymoron that is Taiwan.


Isn’t the national pastime to avoid the sun? :thinking:

Start insisting back lol. What a crock.

Not being a perve, but I use the ladies often enough to disprove that myth!

No such thing as bad publicity. Especially not in a medical clinic :smile:





They have a point. I almost never find winters here cold, except for the hand-washing, which when I’m out is bloody freezing.

Actually, now I’m wondering… do some people not wash their hands because the main belief here seems to be that being cold makes you sick? Is there a misguided calculus that cold hands are a higher risk than dirty hands?

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I would accept this as “recently developed country didn’t have the resources to stay clean until recently” logic, but I just read a news article about a teacher that taped a mask on a kindergartner (after the mom had repeatedly confirmed that there was no mask requirement with the teacher and school).

The people on the internet going on about how “the mom would also blame the teacher for not making the child wear a mask if the child got sick” made me realize that Taiwan has transcended all common sense about germ theory, a concept that’s been around for a few hundred years, especially/even after a global pandemic.

In Taiwan, the only way germs can spread is through an unmasked face. Surfaces can’t possibly spread disease. Ever. Sneezing into the air and then pulling up your mask is superior in all ways to sneezing into your elbow or a tissue and then washing your hands. Alcohol spray, one spritz sprayed into the air, works as well as washing up with soap. And heaven forbid your high power hand dryers are actually plugged in, since there’s no paper towels ever, so someone’s actually washed hands can be dried off, thus reducing the amount of grime and germs that will immediately latch onto the surface of one’s hands…


The true class is shown by establishment having warm water available in their restroom sinks vide Munich airport.

UV rays are a disinfectant or so I’ve heard. I think you can also inject it, or maybe that’s bleach I forget.


Also, acid. Good for hand hygiene, curing covid, eradicating emails, or just having a psychedelic good time!


Don’t underestimate your base…


Or. Deny existence of both, go back inside on one’s phone with foot pictures and complaints about how one is so tired/sick/in need of more attention. Then wonder why they get sick. Surely, it must be wet hair after the shower, where this ironically soap to be found.

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Last week I saw a guy pissing while holding his phone with two hands. Pissed all over the floor in front of the urinal of course. Filthy bastard.


Was he humping it too? The folks pushing their body inside, jacket and all, really make me wonder

Somehow I don’t feel we are teaching the kids right

There is no teaching going on. And little accountability, either.


Good point. Maybe if public shame was legal it would improve some of these behaviors

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I’m not sure about public shaming, but I would appreciate better parenting. Idiot / absentee parents raising these man children are not helping. :neutral_face:


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