Taiwanese Startup Bubble, I need your help! [Master Thesis Interviews]

Hello everybody,

Foremost, I would like to give some context: I’m a German student who studied about a year in Taiwan, which was a wonderful time and I really miss Beef Noodle Soup & Hot Pot. But anyway… during that time I did some interviews for my thesis, but due to some unfortunate miscommunications I am now not able to use these for my thesis… And the submission date is in ~2 weeks, so I really need your help.

My topic is how the Taiwanese Government is supporting the entrepreneurs in Taiwan (Infrastructure, policies, education, funding…) and here I need first-hand experience. So if you are or know somebody who works as/in a: (CO-)Founder, Incubator, Accelerator, Investor, Government or in a university or education unit (which focuses on Startups) please forward them this post/form!

Please note that due to strict time limitations, all interviews should be finished by latest 27th June.… (One Interview should not take longer than 45 min). Due to this very short notice, I’m willing to offer a financial compensation of ~1000$NT which you can take, or you can choose to give it to an NGO. Of course, this offer is limited by my bank account :wink:

You can find the link for the interview registration as well as the current interview guideline here. Please note that the interviews need to be in English (due to my bad Chinese) and will be recorded. This recording will be kept private and will only be used to prove that the interview took place.

Thanks for reading this, and I really would appreciate it if you are willing to help me. For you, it may be only a click on share/forward button but for me, it could mean a lot :crossed_fingers:

All the best from Germany!

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Why don’t you email Taipei Tech Arena or Business Next

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I already did but did not receive a reply yet. I will probably write them again. I also contacted a lot of startups, incubators & accelerators by myself. But thanks anyway!

contact them on Linkedin and contact the individual people, not the organization


I’m a foreign entrepreneur in Taiwan and if the Taiwan government provides any assistance for non-citizen residents I haven’t seen it. What the government does provide is a low tax business friendly environment and that’s more than good enough for me.


Is this ethical, and will it be disclosed in your thesis? Achtung Sgt! You might find yourself sucked in a vortex.

I don’t see why it would be inherently unethical to pay respondents for their time? It should probably be disclosed anyway, but it’s not like they’re offering to pay people to get injected with new drugs (which also happens).

I would question though how well thought through this is. There’s obviously going to be a difference between the research question as stated (“how does the Taiwanese government support entrepreneurs?”) and the question largely being asked when you ask it in English on Forumosa (“how does the Taiwanese government support foreign entrepreneurs?”), as @QuaSaShao noted. And they don’t seem to have given themselves enough time to go through whatever data is obtained, unless the thesis is pretty much already written and they just want some data to slot into it, which also seems more than a bit dubious.

OP didn’t say what the “unfortunate miscommunications” were that prevent them using the previous interviews, but maybe the easier solution would be to attempt to redo those without the miscommunications…


Ask the head of Startup Island podcast.