Taiwanese Study Group

Hi! I’m a new arrival and would love to learn Chinese with you guys. Can count me in? Btw, I’m Bridget from Malaysia :laughing:

Kindly keep me updated.
-Bridget S.

When most people say “Chinese” they mean Mandarin. We’re studying Taiwanese. If you want to learn a language to get by in Taiwan, learn Mandarin first. But if you really want to learn Taiwanese, you’re welcome to join us.


I gotcha now. Thanks for the clarification. Btw, do you know anyone is having a Mandarin study group?

Thanks in advance!

-Bridget S.

OK. Taiwanese update…
Last week only Ty and I showed up. We went through chapter 4.
Tonight, I showed up at 9:20 right after Ty left with his girlfriend…

It was an unusually busy night for 月牙泉.

Anyway, I really hope that we can make it through the first book together. I can learn it by myself, but progressing with a group is more fun. So how about if we do chapter four next week at the same time same place? 月牙泉 basement at 8:30 pm Wednesday?

If anyone wants to join in and you can handle chapter four of Maryknoll Book One, feel free to join us.

too bad, i don’t finish work until 10 or so or i’d take a look.

Sinistah - I think you have me confused with the other T. I’m not whipped… yet.

Anyway, I should be able to make it next week. When’s the lesson on swear words? My parents didn’t teach me that.

I’m still in. I just had to do teaching demos at my school on Wednesday. Sorry I forgot to tell you until too late. I’d forgotten myself.

If you want to move onto Ch.5, that’s fine, I’ve been keeping up to date.


OK, folks. It’s chapter four next Wednesday (December 8)!

Lai-khi, Lai-khi
Lan lai-khi oh tai-gi…

Oh, by the way, Ty1, we learned “sa-xiao” last time. It means “What the fcuk?”