TaiwanPlus, Gov-Funded News in English


18:30-19:00 TaiwanPlus News - Get the latest news and analysis from Taiwan and the world in our 30-minute flagship program.

And multiple times during the day ten minutes long news updates:
What’s Up Taiwan! - Catch the latest from Taiwan in our 10-minute newscast.

It is easier to get the 30 min news video from their usual YouTube channel at any time.


Formosa English news has been offering that for years.


It would be better if Taiwan Plus was just an English version of the regular Taiwan news channels, where we could tune it any time and get the latest news


Yes. That is a great idea.

The latest “news” on regular Taiwan news channels? You guys want to listen to reports of fatal traffic accidents, politicians’ verbal attacks on each other and which celebrities are sleeping around?

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Id like to know whats going on in Taiwan, especially politics, which is actually hard to find. Even in Chinese its hard to follow.


I always forget about TaiwanPlus…the name just doesn’t stick me as that memorable. Regardless, I do recall enjoying some videos they have done, however, I typically find myself looking at 民視英語新聞 Formosa TV English News more (especially with their nice 2 part video report about the disastrous traffic safety issues).

Looking at TaiwanPlus more recent video, What’s Up Taiwan | News at 23:00, October 3, 2022, I notice the subtitles are not that great to look at and sometimes blend in with the content of the video (white on white), making it a pain to read which is annoying since there is no English voice over. Also Formosa TV English dubs over so you can listen entirely in English.

Hope it can continue improve and make some more interesting video/content. Also saw on Reddit someone mention that the app doesn’t do landscape orientation for it’s video content which seems like a surprising mistake to make.

The problem with these English media outlets is they never really tell the juicy stories of whats happening in Taiwan and try to steer on the positive side of Taiwan rather than being balanced and posting many negative stories.


Yeah and they usually have a lot of political bias.


What does everyone think of Taiwan Plus? the English Speaking TV Channel for foreigners in Taiwan?

one word for y’all: sucks

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No one is forcing you to watch it. :slightly_smiling_face:

As the Taipei Times management seems determined to cut itself into irrelevance, I don’t mind having more options out there.



Never even knew it existed, shows how “common” it is if no-one I know has ever mentioned it.


I personally avoid any TV or radio shows that are marketed as English speaking in Taiwan, as I generally know what quality it’s going to be. Especially with streaming on demand so ubiquitous now, no reason to

Everyone knows it’s a dpp funded political vehicle

The whole thing is a disaster

Opportunity to do something good, but instead it’s a cringe propaganda organ that appeals to nobody

I liked a segment they did on gaming and virtual streaming recently. Report was on this phenomenon where people stream but use software to preserve anonymity.

Another one recently that was impressive was a short documentary on Philipino male modelling contests held here in Taiwan. On the surface it was about Philipino culture here, but as it unfolded it was about working conditions in Taiwan for wailao, separation from family and all the toll that takes. That one really left a mark.

I like the presenter with the British accent, Khvat or something or other.

Some of the tourism stuff is good. There was this Swedish(?) dude recently who travelled around with a Taiwanese co host who wasn’t annoying. The guy had a genuine passion for Taiwan.

Some of the segments are just downright boring. One recently was three young female tourists picking seaweed up out of a pond.


The only English channels I get are BBC, CNN, Bloomberg, Discovery, Cartoon Network, and a few movie channels. Nothing that shows regular TV shows. What is this Taiwan Plus?

News network in Taiwan is either a DPP or KMT funded political vehicle.

Like Liberty Times and Taipei Times are DPP funded, and China Times and UDN, CTI News, etc. are KMT funded.

I don’t think neutral and objective media outlet exists in Taiwan.

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But this is supposed to be neutral . It’s a government project, but funded by DPP.

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Only way to be neutral in Taiwan is look at all sides and judge for yourself.

It’s a lot of work.

No I mean its supposed to be State television, but the money comes from DPP. Everyone knows