TaiwanPlus, Gov-Funded News in English

Yea I don’t think I’ve ever seen any media that’s neutral. They’re all funded by one or the other political party.


I don’t think neutral and objective media outlet (sic) exists anywhere.

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Its not a media outlet. The CNA in Taiwan is supposed to be neutral. Its paid for by State money, but everyone knows the Taiwan Plus is a DPP vehicle

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I just found Taiwan Plus a couple weeks ago. Enjoying it so far. The eel harvesting episode on Happy Fisherman was informative.

Seems like you answered your own question.

What Does @WinstonKao think of Taiwan Plus?

Well, I suppose now we know! :slightly_smiling_face:


Bailingguo news did a long bit on Taiwan plus and what a shit show it is.

Originally they wanted them as hosts and to make content. But there were so many political rules and restrictions and so many old politicians and civil servants involved that the whole thing was a mess and they left. They signed a one year nda so just released details recently

For example, they wanted to do a show on how scooters and scooter waterfalls are an integral part of Taipei cultutre(!!!) and wanted the Bailingguo hosts to say that everyone in Taiwan can ride a motorcycle, despite both hosts growing up in Taipei and never riding one in their life.

The whole thing is cringe . There is a show WOW Taiwan , where they talk about all the amazing things in Taiwan. Tell me the show was made by an old civil servant boomer with telling me was made by an old civil servant boomer

Huge waste of resources . Taiwan can do better


For televised English news, Formosa News on FTV covers everything you need to know about what’s happening in Taiwan in 30 minutes. They’ve been doing it for years. Must be doing something right.


I do recall they had a few videos I enjoyed, but overall not too interesting for me as a YouTube channel. I guess I would call it pretty hit or miss for me.

I also don’t particularly like all the “Top 5 _____” videos but as someone that lives in Taiwan I generally find those less enjoyable so maybe for people who haven’t visited Taiwan it might be more interesting.


Random video

I’d rather inject Hey Song Sasprilla into my eyes than watch something like this.

It’s like North Korean propaganda made for Mormons

Holy Mormon! Seven sisters?


I find sensationalism works everywhere. This is part of why apple daily did so well here.

Whole network seems like a show in English for Taiwanese, not for foreigners.

I wish they would get rid of all the foreign hosts and have Taiwan hosts. And a lot of hosts and guests are a bit wacky or off the wall.

Foreigners don’t want to watch other foreigners talk about taiwan. We want to watch Taiwanese talk about taiwan.

There’s already too many foreigners talking about Taiwan. And not enough Taiwanese talking about Taiwan in English.


I agree! As much as I love Taiwan, seeing a bunch of foreigners paid by the government to make “Taiwan numbaaa oneee” style clips just feels like a self-congratulatory display to make Taiwanese feel like their culture is appreciated globally, instead of actually making a global audience feel interested in learning more about Taiwan.


The only thing good that came out of them was a series about Taiwanese Indie bands.

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I think that would probably explain why it feels a bit off for me.

Probably ALL English news network/newspaper are all in English for Taiwanese, not foreigners. Taiwan don’t care about foreigners.

Taiwan plus is the brainchild of a lot of Westerners who believed Taiwan should have a state run TV station like Sky News, i24, BBC, etc.

I saw some good business episodes on startups.

I’m not interested in most of their content.


No it’s not. Stop making things up all the time.

It was a dpp project to promote Taiwan internationally


Look how boring and abysmal this is.

They should just let chat gpt make the shows for them