Taiwan's criminal law prohibiting citizens from defacing portraits of Sun Yat-sen

If you consider fleeing to Taiwan as a win, I would never want to play a game as your teammate :rofl:

No, if the CCP would collapse, that would be due to a new revolution, why would they invite the party of their former dictator to replace CCP?

CCP have no fear of the KMT nowadays, they are only afraid of their own population

Mao Zedong. Chinaā€™s National Day is on the day Mao set up the PRC on Oct 1, 1949, in Tiananmen. The ROCā€™s National Day isnā€™t even celebrated as a national holiday in China (if I keep repeating this, it might sink in- but, naw.)

Straw man argument and disingenuous. Next!

No one said anything about invitingā€¦And it wouldnā€™t be due to a new revolution. It would be due to a coup dā€™etat. Historically China has gone from dynasty to warlord states. Donā€™t see why it wouldnā€™t happen again.

The KMTā€¦is their own populationā€¦and in a political vacuum (with international backing) youā€™d be surprised what kind of miracles can be pulled off.

And whereā€¦didā€¦theā€¦CCPā€¦andā€¦theā€¦KMTā€¦comeā€¦from?

This isnā€™t like my opinion or anything. Should I refer you to a China History 101 class or any link about the history of China?

Feels like being back in the 90ā€™s when hearing this. Not even the really dark blue KMT believes in this anymore :rofl: They gave up on this many years ago.

Going back to the origins part of this threadā€¦.

In my view, having a law against this is outdated. What Taiwan should continue doing is remove all old stuff on CKS and SYS, except keeping the two main parks in Taipei as a valuable history lesson which needs to be kept balanced on good and bad deeds.

That dynamic NEVER leftā€¦

Itā€™s not about believing or notā€¦itā€™s about what the cards on the table are and what are your objectives.

For the people who have let this Bretton Woods world peace view of how things workā€¦this next decade is gonna hurt lol

You are jumping. The Bretton Wood is about world peace and cooperation after WWII, while a collapse of CCP is an internal China issue which have nothing to do with other countries (including Taiwan and KMT)

A collapse of China will hurt the world economy, but zero opportunity for KMT to return to power in China

Doesnā€™t the president still literally bow to a portrait of SYS? Or did they abolish that?