I have been installing some GNU software on a Unix server, and have been using some of the Taiwan GNU mirror sites to download software. I ran into some compatibility problems on a couple of packages and found out that there’s new versions that fix the problem. Taking a closer look I found that all of the GNU mirrors stopped mirroring sometime in late 2003 (the latest package I found in casual looking had the December 2003 release but not the February 2004 release, so somewhere in that time frame). If you download GNU software too, please be aware that the local mirrors are now way behind, and you might be better off using a Japan or US mirror instead. This is unfortunate as I’ve gotten really incredible download speeds from the local mirrors.
If anyone knows of a local mirror that’s up to date, or contacts for the local mirrors, please let me know.
Update: I’m getting really good performance from the Japan mirror ftp://ftp.ring.gr.jp/pub/GNU/